126 minutes
Rated PG-13
by Scott Mendelson
“You will always be a part of two worlds. And fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is which path will you choose.”
JJ Abrams's ambitious Star Trek reboot desperately tries to have it both ways. Not confident enough to choose its path, it straddles between affectionately campy homage and its own franchise. Like Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, it is too afraid to boldly chart its own destiny, but refusing to be a true extension of the original franchise. While it portends to separate itself from the Star Trek mythology that inspired it, the picture completely counts on said mythology for any and all emotional impact.

For the record, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest of the gang are all in ship-shape form. While Karl Urban comes on a little strong right out of the gate as Dr. McCoy, his character works better once he actually has more to do than complain. With the exception of one first-act scene, Pine keeps the frat-boy rebel cliches to a bare minimum. Quinto gives an impressive interior performance when the script isn't forcing him to give on the nose speeches and engage in plot-mandated emotional outbursts (although I will concede that the follow up to said outburst is an affective and moving scene). The rest of the gang is barely sketched in, but our memory of the original actors does most of the work for us. Sulu's (John Cho) main character beat is cribbed from Galaxy Quest, although he does gets a major action scene. Chekov (Anton Yelchin) speaks in an ultra-thick Russian accent for comic relief and little else, making him the prime candidate to die in the sequel. Scotty (Simon Pegg) shows up fully formed, while Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana) is allowed to take her character in some surprising directions.

Let's put aside the film's lack of courage in picking a path and my distaste for the concept of the 'multiverse'. Taking as its own thing, does the film work? Not really. The villain, played by Eric Bana, is the least interesting adversary in any tent pole adventure film that I can remember. While he is given token 'motivation' against Spock, it doesn't make much sense (had Spock actually been indirectly responsible for Nero's grievance, it would have made more sense and helped the drama), and he is given so little to do that the character becomes 'insert antagonist here'.

There are countless comic callbacks to the original franchise, but most of them feel so forced, out of place, and on the nose that they take us right out of the picture. Various lines of dialogue, action beats, and character moments are rudely inserted from previous films and television episodes. They do not feel organic and imply Abrams's lack of confidence in his own ability to please the Trek fans without resorting to 'oh, that's from that movie/episode' moments. Furthermore, the insertion of the fabled 'Kobayashi Maru' test takes up valuable screen time while seemingly missing the point of the original story. In this variation, Kirk is a cocky punk who cheats out of entitlement, rather than a stubborn refusal to fail. Ironically the best nod to the original show is the subtlest, involving the unspoken destiny of Chief Engineer Olsen.

In the end, despite fine acting, several moments of potent drama, solid production values, and high ambitions, Star Trek comes off as a 'Star Trek for dummies' variation on the fabled story. Similar to X-Files: Fight the Future, this film is Star Trek for people who have never seen the shows or the movies, and furthermore need their characters drawn in broad strokes and the philosophies explicitly explained in monologue. Maybe if I had no prior knowledge of the franchise I could take it all at face value and simply acknowledge that it is a broadly drawn big-budget B-movie with an incredibly weak villain and some poorly staged action beats. But because the film continuously reminds us of its legacy, I have no choice but to judge it in comparison to its predecessors. There is potential for a solid franchise with these actors, after all the even-numbered sequels are almost always the best. But, despite all the pomp and circumstance, J.J. Abrams's Star Trek remains merely another disappointing odd-numbered Star Trek picture.
Grade: C+
Glad that you did a write up for Star Trek, I was really interested in what you thought. I have to agree with you on all points, you literally took the review out of my mouth (of course written better than I could ever do). What struck me most about the film was its decision not to explain anything about the Star Trek universe and worldview, which is odd since this is a reboot. I was shocked at how much they relied on the audience's previous knowledge of these characters and universe.
You put this a lot more eloquently than I did in my review. The only point I can disagree with you on is about McCoy and Chekov. That is just the actor in me coming out. If it's a reboot, than create your own version of McCoy and Chekov, don't mimic the original characters. A great example of a true reboot is Battlestar Galactica (Damn, why didn't I think of that before I wrote my review ;)). Good work. I enjoyed reading your style and appreciate the artistry and intelligence you bring to your critique.
@ McCoy and Chekov,
But then again, if an actor chooses a fresh interpretation, he (or she) will get flak for 'raping my childhood' [sic]. They really can't win.
Good review, Mr. Mendelson. Nice to hear a contrary opinion. Will probably go and see it anyway though, this is just one of those critic-proof, 'event' movies.
You reflected what I felt after seeing the movie. Usually all the Star Trek movies had message based on local world events (extinction of whales in 'Voyage Home' and thaw in US-Soviet relationship in 'Undiscovered Country'). The villain's anger and revenge that is shown boiling in his blood for more than 25 years for his home planet's implosion on one Spock is not that believable since Spock is only trying to help. Although I agreed on the bold move in the film to make Spock the Captain of Enterprise, his giving up the captaincy was an anti-climax. Throwing Kirk out of Enterprise also is a flaw to Spock's character.
A lot of effort is put making the picture high tech. I wish only it slowed down a little and followed the example of '2001: A space odyssey' in showing us the high tech scenes.
Finally, if we throw out the legacy of Star Trek series and old movies and look at it as a new movie, it is in the line of Star War movies.
You put this a lot more eloquently than I did in my review. The only point I can disagree with you on is about McCoy and Chekov. That is just the actor in me coming out. If it's a reboot, than create your own version of McCoy and Chekov, don't mimic the original characters. A great example of a true reboot is Battlestar Galactica (Damn, why didn't I think of that before I wrote my review ;)). Good work. I enjoyed reading your style and appreciate the artistry and intelligence you bring to your critique.
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