The finals are out, and per usual, I'm glad I waited as there was enough of a difference to have necessitated a rewrite had I just gone with the estimates on Sunday. The shocking news is that while Angels & Demons did a solid $46 million over the weekend (no one was expecting anything approaching The Da Vinci Code's $77 million opening), it actually came in second place to Star Trek on Saturday and Sunday. According to Box Office Mojo, the official budget for Angels & Demons was $150 million (I'm suspicious as the number just went up and I couldn't find budget info anywhere until today). If that is a truthful figure, then Sony should have a solid longterm profit on their hands. Surely the picture will come close to or slightly improve upon this number over the long Memorial Day weekend, so a $100 million+ gross in eleven days is a lock. After that, it only has one more weekend as the 'adult choice' before getting hammered by another Sony film, The Taking of Pelham 1, 2, 3. Again, I'm not sure what Sony was thinking opening two mainstream adult thrillers so close together as, had Sony waited on the Denzel Washington/John Travolta caper, then Angels & Demons would have had the adult market to itself for over a month, until Public Enemies on July 1st. But I've digressed. So far, the international numbers ($102 million) for the Dan Brown adaptation seem to be vastly overpowering the US debut, as did The Da Vinci Code (which is what Sony was counting on). Even if Angels & Demons does only 2/3 of the business of its forebearer, that's still $145 million in the US and $360 million overseas, leading to a half-billion dollars for this alleged 'underperformer'. This may not be a mega-sequel, but it's not Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life or Prince Capsian. For what it's worth, the Angels & Demons opening bested National Treasure: Book of Secrets by $2 million, with both fending off the second weekend of a $75 million+ opener.

The film is expanding far outside the niche Star Trek fanbase (apparently it has a solid repeat-viewing female fanbase that's already writing slash-fiction). It has amassed $148 million in 10.5 days and will probably pass $200 million and become the year's highest grosser by Memorial Day. FYI - djusted for inflation, the top grossing Star Trek picture is Star Trek: The Motion Picture, whose 1979 gross of $81 million translates into $235.3 million today. And if Terminator: Salvation is a one-weekend story, then Star Trek has only the sci-fi comedy Land of the Lost to contend with for a full month (Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen comes out June 24th). If that happens, then $250 million is not out of the question. Regardless of my feelings on the picture, this is a major break out performance and a true box office accomplishment. Everyone in Paramount marketing should be getting giant raises right now.

That's all that's fit to print for the moment. Tune in next weekend for the biggest showdown of the summer, as Terminator: Salvation squares off against Night at the Museum: Battle For The Smithsonian. Conventional wisdom says that the robots will defeat the statues, but Night At the Musuem was an insanely successful franchise starter (at $250 million, it outgrossed every X-Men, Terminator, Superman, James Bond, Bourne, or Star Trek picture to date). It should be interesting.
Scott Mendelson
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