126 minutes
rated PG-13
Available for Blu Ray on May 19th for $23.99 at Amazon.
How exactly does one objectively review a film that is arguably their favorite film of all time? What, you say? Scott Mendelson's favorite film of all time is Tim Burton's Batman? Yes, yes, while Batman Returns may be the most haunting Batman picture, and the Nolan pictures are probably 'better movies', it was the original 1989 classic that made me the Bat-freak that I am today. Sure I collected the Super Powers action figures from the mid-80s, and I had a general knowledge of the character, but it wasn't until 1989 that I became a die hard Batman fan. While countless moviegoers became geeks for Bats in the summer of 1989, I stayed that way for twenty long years (close friends, family, and coworkers long noticed that my email address begins with 'JckNapier'). My fandom of all things Batman has reached the point where my wife keeps threatening to throw a Batman/Joker-themed birthday party next year when I turn 30.
Regardless of your personal feelings about the film, it was and remains a milestone in both genre film making and box office history. I'm planning to go into much detail about the film's long term cultural impact (both good and bad) in a piece to be published on June 23rd. For now, let us acknowledge that the film was and is a character-driven mood piece that genuinely honored the traditions and characters of the original myths. For everything it got wrong about the mythos (Jim Gordon is a non-entity), it gets so many little pieces spot on (the flowers in the alley, the Joker venom, the early inclusion of Harvey Dent). It was a dark, brooding action drama that pitted the greatest yin/yang match up in modern literary history against each other in a violent clash for the soul of a city. The silent, stalking Batman vs the deranged, comical, homicidal Joker... it wasn't perfect, but it was awfully great. Be it the thunderous, classical Danny Elfman score, the over-the-top scene stealing villain, or the idea that a property appealing to kids didn't necessarily have to be appropriate for them, every subsequent comic book adaptation as well as every superhero movie or fantastical action adventure picture that followed owes one thing or another to this groundbreaking epic.

I've gone into great detail of the character of Bruce Wayne/Batman here. I've also gone into a bit of detail comparing Jack Nicholson's Joker to Health Ledger and Mark Hamill. I assume if you've read the proceeding paragraphs and presume me insane or delusional, you're probably not going to buy this disc anyway. So let's move on to the Blu Ray itself.
The Blu Ray disc is housed in one of Warner's collectible 'book' packages. While it looks gorgeous, it is differently shaped (taller, slightly thicker) than the standard Blu Ray case. It also looks like a book so it'll stick out like a sore thumb on your shelf, if you care about that kind of thing. The contents are the disc itself, and a separately housed digital copy. Included in the book packaging is a fifty page booklet containing a sampling of several pieces of Batman memorabilia. Contained within are sixteen random pages of Batman: The Official Book of the Movie, the first nine pages of the original screenplay, twenty pages of the comic book adaptation, and four pages of updated cast and director biographies.

Extras you say? Well, fans like myself were clamoring for true special editions of the original Batman pictures since 1997, and it took Warner Bros. eight years to respond. But the wait was worth it. All four films in the series received absolutely jam packed reissues. And almost all of the content was of a high quality, with brutally honest interviews (everyone on the Batman & Robin documentaries basically falls on their sword and apologizes) and plenty of archive behind the scenes materials.

-Commentary by director Tim Burton (126 minutes)
-On the Set with Bob Kane (2.5 minutes)
- Legends of the Dark Knight: The History of Batman (41 minutes)
- Shadows of the Bat: Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight (72 min.)
Road to Gotham City, Gathering Storm, Legend Reborn
- Beyond Batman Documentary Gallery – (50 minutes)
Visualizing Gotham: The Production Design of Batman, Building the Batmobile, Those Wonderful Toys: The Props and Gadgets of Batman, Designing the Bat-Suit, From Jack to The Joker, Nocturnal Overtures: The Music of Batman
-Music Videos: Batdance, Partyman, Scandalous (15 minutes)
-Heroes and Villains Profile Galleries (20 minutes)
-The Complete Robin Storyboard Sequence (4.5 minutes)
-Theatrical trailer (1.75 minutes)
None of this material is upgraded to 1080i or 1080p, which is unfortunate but forgivable. Some notes on the copious extras. First of all, nearly every one of note is featured in one form or another in the exhaustive and detailed making of material (even Jack Nicholson sat down for new interviews). Second of all, regarding the music videos... they may be terrible, but Prince, dressed in full Joker garb, looks more like the comic book Joker than any live action actor to date. Finally, the biggest treat on this disc is the animated story board for the deleted Robin introduction from Sam Hamm's original screenplay. Not only is it animated and complete with vocals and sound effects, but the disc producers actually got the voices from Batman: The Animated Series (Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill, and Efrem Zimbalist Jr,) to voice their respective roles. So, if you ever wanted to know how Mark Hamill would sound reading dialogue from Tim Burton's Batman, now you know.

The film - A+
The video - B+
The audio - NA
The extras - A+
Scott Mendelson
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