75 minutes
Not Rated
DVD available on March 17th
by Scott Mendelson
Summer of the Sharks is a refreshingly on-point documentary, giving the audience what they want and what they expect, without feeling the need to artificially enhance the material. It is about a small group of ocean dwellers who spend their free time 'shark-diving'. That means they dive into the ocean to literally swim with sharks. And, for 75 minutes, that's pretty much what you get.
After Eli Martinez was gored in a bull riding event, he decided to try deep sea scuba diving as a recreation while his injuries healed. Destiny intervened and he encountered a shark in Mexico. He was immediately intrigued and decided to concentrate on shark encounters as a full time hobby. He started Shark Divers Magazine in 2003 and through that venture met up with undersea photographer Andy Murch and Rafael Flores, a south Texas rancher who would become the underwater camera operator. Eventually Eli would propose something akin to The Endless Summer, but with sharks. This film chronicles that 'summer of the sharks', a summer-long road trip that also included quite a bit of shark diving. Rusty Armstrong would document the journey and eventually craft this film.

There is a last minute incident involving the slaughter of sharks by local fishermen, and the film climaxes with a call for conservationism, but Summer Of The Sharks is basically just 75-minutes of a few likable guys and fearsome creatures that they willingly swim with. While one could complain about the lack of depth or 'character development', I appreciated the pure focus on shark diving and underwater adventure. You want terrific shark footage? You get terrific shark footage.

Grade: B
Can't wait to get a copy of this.
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