76 minutes
not rated
by Scott Mendelson
Dante’s Inferno is a visually imaginative piece of work. I can only imagine the work and time that went into this animated variation of Dante’s epic story, but the end result is barely worth the trouble. It’s not that the film is bad or not compelling; it’s that its slavish devotion to the original text robs the film of the ability to say anything new.

The big selling point for this picture is that the entire film is composed of paper puppets (otherwise known as puppet theater). While there is one live actor in the film, everyone else and everything else is comprised of countless paper puppets. So yes, at the very least, I would recommend one viewing of this visually unique (and mere 76 minute) feature for the puppetry alone.

While the film shows its liberal bent by the glee at which it damns various Bush administration officials and corrupt business (Halliburton apparently has its own building), writer/director Sandow Birk and writers Sean Meredith and Paul Zaloom have no qualms about placing John F Kennedy in hell as well. Much of the humor comes from the various reasons various monsters of our ages find themselves in Hell. Hitler is there on a technicality and John Wayne Gacy is there for committing offenses to hospitality (i.e. – murdering 33 young boys and burying them in his basement).

Grade: B
The DVD contains a solid and watchable 16x9 transfer, with English 5.1 audio. Supplements include a 15-minute making-of, a trailer, a photo gallery, and two full-length commentaries.
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