Normally I couldn't care less about a sequel to this year's
Clash of the Titans remake. The film
wasn't very good, and it was most notable for a stunningly awful 3D conversion. I was lucky/smart enough to see the film in 2D (I later sampled the 3D so I could confirm its inadequacy), but the film is still a botched bore, although this seems to be
yet another case where poor
Louis Leterrier had his movie
radically altered in the editing room. But if there must be a sequel, at least Jonathan Liebseman will be directing it. Why is that good news? Well, because first of all, Liebseman has some history with studio interference, as his debut feature,
Darkness Falls, underwent massive studio tinkering, so hopefully he can stand up to the newly hands-on Warner execs (the formally hands-off studio apparently tinkered with
Clash of the Titans,
Terminator: Salvation, and
Edge of Darkness). Second of all, his short film
Rings, which was shot to coincide with
The Ring Two in 2005, is the best American variation on the
Ring mythology yet made, better than the rock-solid American remake of
The Ring and quite a bit better than the terrible
Ring Two. Third of all, this means that his upcoming alien invasion picture,
Battle: Los Angeles, is obviously making some studio execs very happy, implying that it may live up to its clever teaser.