Thursday, November 4, 2010

Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch gets a full trailer.

This is obviously a longer, more plot-specific trailer. There's nothing wrong with what's here (more Scott Glenn is a plus), but the original teaser was more enticing, with snazzier music that created an oddly haunting bit of marketing. Still, this is a visually dazzling bit of business. What's nice about the campaigns is the somewhat 'no big deal' nature. In that, I mean that the idea of five young women embarking on an epic and violent adventure is not seen as anything revolutionary, and the women in question are not presented as sexual objects per-se. It's a small thing, but its appreciated. Anyway, this one looks like just the kind of movie that IMAX was made for, so that's the ideal way to see it on March 25th.

Scott Mendelson

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