Easily expected to be the biggest film this weekend, Wreck-It Ralph is the latest release from Disney Animation. The plot follows Ralph, the protagonist in the fictional video game Fix-It Felix, who tires of being the bad guy and leaves his game to find another in which he can become a hero. Along the way he encounters Tamora Calhoun, a sergeant in the Call of Duty/Halo style game, Hero's Duty and Vanellope von Schweetz, an 8 year old girl in racing game, Sugar Rush. But while Ralph is trying to realise his dream, Schweetz discovers a problem within her own game, one that could have dire consequences not only for the cast of Sugar Rush but the entire arcade - and it looks like Ralph leaving his own game could be the cause of all the problems. Development on Wreck-It Ralph began a number of years ago, as an idea from story artist Sam Levine. At that point the picture was known as Joe Jump and featured an over the hill character attempting to make the transition into modern videogames. Levine was making good progress on the project (enough for a rough synopsis to turn up online) but when John Lasseter took over as head of Disney Animation in 2006, the status of Joe Jump became unclear. While the Pixar honcho let Levine (and his writer) work on the project for a further year, it began to languish, and with little sign of moving forward, Joe Jump was put on the shelf and Levine was assigned to another project. While Lasseter was impressed by the core idea, he wasn't sold on the story itself.
Essays, Reviews, Commentary, and Original Scholarship. A Film Blog that strives to be Art.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Um, so there's going go be a new Star Wars movie...

James Bond 007: Movie Deathmatch
If you've got any cool (well-made) Bond videos like this you'd like to share, feel free to throw them my way. I'd enjoy seeing them. Thanks to Ty for bringing this to my attention.
Brandon Peters
Follow me on Twitter – www.twitter.com/@btpeters
E-mail – naptownnerd@gmail.com
“Like” Mendelson’s Memos on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/MendelsonsMemos
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Wolverine gets a stylized teaser poster.
Thanks to Slashfilm for the 'get'. This is a nice piece of stylized comic book art for what is looking to be a potentially interesting comic book film. We all know that the film will take place *after* the X-Men series and we know that James Mangold seems to be trying to craft a character study first/action film second picture that just happens to be a comic book spin-off. Of course, there is a chance that the melodrama-in-Japan narrative will turn out being a bit silly. I can't speak to the source material, but the episode of the otherwise superb Wolverine and the X-Men that centered around Logan's adventures in Japan is hands-down the worst episode of the 26-episode run (the creators openly make fun of it on the commentary). Still, whether or not the world needs yet another 'Let's give Logan his own film!' entry, it does seem that the cylinders are firing a bit hotter this time around. At the very least, it'll give us another fantastic video game spin-off. As for when we'll see a trailer, assuming Fox actually attaches it to a Fox release, the most likely option is to hold off until the February 14th debut of A Good Day to Die Hard unless Fox can cut a green-band trailer that would be appropriate in front of Life of Pi in three weeks. The Wolverine, as the poster states, comes out July 26th, 2013. As always, we'll see.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Review: Wreck It Ralph (2012) doesn't reinvent the wheel but merely reaffirms the Disney template.
Wreck It Ralph
2012100 minutes
rated PG
by Scott Mendelson
It is perhaps slightly disappointing that Disney's latest animated feature is not so much an example of branching out so much as pouring the same drink into a new glass. Just as Pixar's Brave (review) seemed like an attempt to fit alongside the standard Disney princess mold, so too does Wreck It Ralph (trailer) exist as a Disney cartoon that would rather have a Pixar logo at the front. But in the end Wreck It Ralph is a Disney cartoon through-and-through, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It is vividly animated and generally entertaining, and it uses its video game settings as the basis for any number of clever jokes. But truth be told the film is not really about video games, merely using the video game format as a colorful wrapping for a rather conventional story. In hindsight its story is actually somewhat generic, not going as far off the reservation as Meet the Robinsons (review/essay) or even Bolt. It's a witty and charming film, but it's slightly dispiriting how often it teases us only to skirt back to genre convention.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Weekend Box Office (10-28-12): Skyfall kills overseas as Argo tops four weak new releases.

Saturday, October 27, 2012
A problem from (cinematic) heaven: There are just too many high quality adult movies in the marketplace!

Second Chance Cinema: Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
Welcome to Second Chance Cinema. This ongoing series will feature Scott or myself revisiting an infamously terrible film we only saw once (preferably long ago) or haven’t seen in a long time. I’m starting this one with a film I have notoriously disliked over the years – Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2. I haven’t seen this one since seeing it in the theater EXACTLY 12 years ago today (convenient timing, eh?). I was big time soured leaving the theater and haven’t looked back since. A podcast that frequently haunts my headphones, Attack of the Killer Podcast (http://www.horrorpalace.com/audio-podcasts/attack-of-the-killer-podcast/), inspired me to pick this one. Their Facebook page asked for opinions of what some of the worst horror sequels of all time was and I named Book of Shadows. They all pretty much disagreed and felt it was an underrated film. Okay, without further adieu, lets dig into this.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Review: Skyfall (2012) delivers the 007 goods (if not greats).
2012143 minutes
rated PG-13
by Scott Mendelson
Taken on its own, Skyfall is an exciting and relentlessly entertaining action thriller. It is strongly acted by a game cast, has sharp dialogue, a stunning visual palette, and several engaging action sequences. But taken as the twenty-third entry in a long-running franchise, one must acknowledge that it is less an original take on the iconic hero than a mix-and-match from several past films. But what prevents the film from attaining greatness is the unsure tone and what feels like periodic pandering to the fans. Seemingly stung by the (grossly unfair) reception to Quantum of Solace, Sam Mendes and company feel pressured to include certain franchise elements that periodically clash with the Bond film they clearly want to make. More troublesome is the film's theme, which takes a offhand few moments in GoldenEye ("Is Bond still relevant in the modern era?") and attempts to fashion an hamfisted entire narrative out of it, complete with enough on-the-nose monologuing to make Chris Nolan blush. What hampers the unquestionably engaging and ambitious film is the sense that we're drudging along recycled territory.
Brandon Peters's 007 series retrospective final analysis part 2.

A chance to shatter a glass ceiling: Fox should hire Jane Goldman to direct X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Cloud Atlas versus Fun Size and more as John Gosling previews the week's new films (10-26-12).

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Brandon Peters's 007 series retrospective final analysis part 1.

Review: Cloud Atlas (2012) says little but does so beautifully.
Cloud Atlas
2012165 minutes
rated R
by Scott Mendelson
At a glance, Cloud Atlas is exactly the kind of movie we say we want from mainstream Hollywood. It is a grandly ambitious and visually dynamic adventure story, filled with a parade of fine actors and often unexpected plot turns. It is a piece not about things but about ideas, delivered with high style and in a mostly entertaining fashion. But if I am honest with myself and with you, I must confess that the many nuggets of wisdom to be found in Lana Wachowski, Andy Wachowski, and Tom Tykwer's sprawling epic don't amount to much. There is little to challenge the mind and nothing beyond fortune cookie platitudes and the philosophy seems to explicitly apply to the main characters. But if the philosophy doesn't dig any deeper than "Everything is connected." or "What is an ocean, but a multitude of drops?", the film is indeed a mostly entertaining piece of unconventional popcorn cinema. There is much to admire and appreciate in the world of Cloud Atlas, even if it doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Watch/Discuss: Iron Man 3 gets a solid, but rather similar-looking teaser, as Tony must save himself yet again.
That I'm not a fan of the new armor's color scheme is a minor point. I'm still bitter that they switched Mario's color scheme in Super Mario Bros. 2 almost 25 years ago. But while the footage looks good and the stakes seem higher this time around, I can't help feeling a sense of deja vu. Is this not the second sequel where a diabolical villain decides to teach Tony a lesson in humility by tearing his world apart, just as Tony himself is going through a mental/emotional crisis? Or more to a point, is this not the third Iron Man film where Tony basically has to use his toys and his brains to basically save himself and/or his company from destruction? We see a quick flash of Guy Pearce, reminding us that we're basically seeing The Mandarin (played by non-Asian actor Ben Kingsley) tossed into the "Extremis" story arc. The most interesting moment is what is apparently a possibly mortally wounded Happy Hogan, as he's certainly a likely candidate for a major death who's absence won't screw up the franchise too much. Since Favreau arguably doesn't want to stick around forever watching other people take on his franchise, it's a good bet he doesn't survive this chapter. Anyway, Shane Black's Iron Man 3 opens in the US on May 3rd, 2013. As always, we'll see. Now it's your turn. What is the chance that Iron Man 3 can become the first truly *good* part 3 in comic book film history?
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Monday, October 22, 2012
Catch 22: The ironic failure of Alex Cross.

Iron Man 3 gets a teaser poster and a synopsis.
The trailer drops tonight at midnight, so I'll try to have it posted tomorrow morning. Anyway, here is the first teaser poster, with the synopsis after the jump.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Just in time for Halloween: some classic horror films for kids!

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Weekend Box Office (10-21-12): Paranormal Activity 4 drops but still tops while Alex Cross is quite cross.

Saturday, October 20, 2012
Brandon Peters dissects the 007 series part 22: Quantum of Solace.
With Skyfall dropping in theaters in just a couple weeks, along with the 50th anniversary of the James Bond series, a close friend and fellow film nerd, Brandon Peters, has generously offered to do a comprehensive review of the entire 007 film franchise. Today is the twenty-second entry, with a full review of the inexplicably maligned Quantum of Solace. I hope you've enjoyed what is a pretty massive feature leading up the November 9th release of Skyfall, because, to quote Adele, this is (nearly) the end. Without further ado...
Quantum Of Solace
Director: Marc
Starring: Daniel
Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Gemma Arterton, Judi Dench, Jeffrey
Rated PG-13
Take a deep breath,
you only got one shot, make it count.
Kills: 17
Bond Girls: Camille
Montes, Strawberry Fields
Car: Aston Martin DBS
Locales: Siena,
Haiti, Austria, Bolivia, Russia
Odd Villain Trait:
Elvis, tall and has a wig that makes him look rather silly
Song: “Another Way to
Die” performed by Jack White & Alicia Keyes
Quantum of Solace
(QoS) is considered the first ever direct sequel to a Bond film, starting
up moments after the closing events of Casino
Royale. One could argue this untrue as Diamonds
Are Forever picks up right where On Her
Majesty’s Secret Service left off.
Going further, Dr. No through
to Diamonds (minus Goldfinger) all
carry along Bond’s battle against SPECTRE.
While calling it a direct sequel is the easiest way to spin it, the two
films are more closely tied than any previous two films.
007 retrospective,
Brandon Peters,
Daniel Craig,
Gemma Arterton,
James Bond,
Jeffrey Wright,
Judi Dench,
Marc Forster,
Mathieu Amalric,
Olga Kurylenko,
Quantum of Solace,
Friday, October 19, 2012
Why The Twilight Saga film franchise mattered, what it accomplished, and why its legacy is ultimately a positive one.

In just a month, The Twilight Saga film franchise will come to an end. Oh sure we may see spin-offs, reboots (probably in a different medium) and/or quasi-sequels in some form in another, but the five-part Edward/Bella saga will come to its apparent climax. We can argue that few if any of the entries (including the unseen final chapter) were any good. We can argue their morality and/or philosophy and debate what (mixed) messages the core audience took from the series as a whole. But one cannot deny the cultural impact of the series. Of all the countless fantasy films to follow in the wake of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, it is the only one of its ilk to actually make it past a second entry beyond The Chronicles of Narnia. Heck, aside from the Aslan fables and the yet-unreleased second chapters in The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson, it is the only post-Potter/LOTR fantasy-lit series to even get a second chapter. But more than sheer staying power, The Twilight Saga was important in a number of ways, most of them actually net-positive. In the end, I firmly believe that the film industry is a better place because The Twilight Saga existed and flourished.
Watch/Discuss: Tom Cruise's Jack Reacher gets a second somewhat generic trailer.

Scott Mendelson
Next time you're bored at the office: A full length audio commentary for Moonraker...
Scott Mendelson
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Next time you're bored at the office: A full length audio commentary for From Russia With Love...
Aaron Neuwurth, on whose fine podcast (Out Now with Aaron and Abe) I occasionally guest, was an early fan of Brandon Peter's nearly-complete James Bond retrospectives. As such, he invited Brandon and I on to participate in a handful of 007 audio commentaries. We've done three as of now, having just recorded GoldenEye last night. But until that one and the one we did last week for Moonraker (spoiler - it's much better than you remember), please enjoy this enjoyable and information-packed chit-chat for one of the more beloved early 007 adventures, From Russia With Love.
Scott Mendelson
Paranormal Activity 4 vs Alex Cross: John Gosling previews the week's new movies (10-19-12)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Brandon Peters dissects the 007 series part 21: Casino Royale
With Skyfall dropping in theaters in just a few weeks, along with the 50th anniversary of the James Bond series, a close friend and fellow film nerd, Brandon Peters, has generously offered to do a comprehensive review of the entire 007 film franchise. Today is the twenty-first entry, with a full review of arguably the best film in the franchise, in terms of pure objective quality, Casino Royale. I hope you enjoy what is a pretty massive feature leading up the November 9th release of Skyfall. I'll do my best to leave my two-cents out of it. But just because I'm stepping aside doesn't mean you should. Without further ado...
Casino Royale
Director: Martin Campbell
Starring: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Giancarlo Giannini
Rated PG-13
Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!
~James Bond
Kills: 12
Bond Girls: Vesper Lynd, Solange Dimitrios
Car: Bond wins an Aston Martin, but the mission gives him an Aston Martin DBS V12
Locales: Madagascar, Bahamas, Montenegro, Venice
Odd Villain Trait: Le Chiffre has a scar on his eye and weeps blood from it
Song: “You Know My Name” pefromed by Chris Cornell
Casino Royale is an absolute masterpiece in the 007 series. The film is top notch big budget entertainment and one of the best reboot films ever created. One could argue that this isn’t the first time the series has been rebooted. Every time a new 007 take the role, it could essentially serve as a new start to the series (minus On Her Majesty’s Secret Service). Following the ridiculousness of Die Another Day, Eon decided to rid itself of that era and start anew, grounding James Bond and focusing on physical effects and stunts. What hasn’t been said about this movie already?
007 retrospective,
Brandon Peters,
Casino Royale,
Chris Cornell,
Daniel Craig,
Eva Green,
James Bond,
Jeffrey Wright,
Judi Dench,
Mads Mikkelson,
Martin Campbell,
Monday, October 15, 2012
Mega-spoilers aside, Carrie remake gets a potent teaser.
On one hand, this is a very very effective horror teaser. The imagery is terrifying and the build-up is genuinely creepy. On the other hand, it does blatantly give away the finale for the young kids who don't know their Stephen King and/or Brian De Palma history (to be fair, it's not like the original film's marketing hid the finale back in the day). On one hand, you could argue that the Carrie story has an added timeliness in the wake of yet more bullying-related tragedies of late. On the other hand, the original book/movie was as much about sexual repression and religious fundamentalism as it was about a shy and awkward girl being picked on. Is there any chance that a mainstream film in 2013 will be as blunt about the story's sexual content as the 1976 film was? Still, director Kimberly Peirce's claim to fame is the ever-so-slightly similar Boys Don't Cry which remains a one of the better films of its type. I'm not sure the world needs another Carrie. But I'm also willing to allow that a remake of Carrie will have more to offer than a remake of Robocop, so I'll try to keep my pessimism in check for now. Plus, any movie that stars Chloe Grace Moretz and Judy Greer has my automatic interest. Anyway, if you already know the ending, do check out this rather good teaser. Carrie opens March 15th, 2013. As always, we'll see.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Why is Liam Neeson: Action Star more popular than Steven Seagal or Jean-Claude Van Damme? Turns out, he's not.

Press release: Disney announces boatload of Disney/Pixar/Marvel release information...
I'll let you decide what is newsworthy versus what is not. Of course it would have been more newsworthy had Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier *not* gone the 3D route, but there you have it. I'd be shocked if Guardians of the Galaxy and the newly announced Ant Man (my daughter will be excited as she's a big fan of The Wasp) don't go the 3D route as well. The sad news is the removal of Phineas and Ferb from the summer 2013 schedule to parts unknown in 2014. That can't be a good thing, right? Anyway, the whole load of newly dumped info is after the jump. The field is now yours. Oh, and just for fun, here's the newly released synopsis for the rather epic-sounding Thor: The Dark World.
Scott Mendelson
In the aftermath of Marvel's Thor and Marvel's The Avengers, Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos... but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all.
Scott Mendelson
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Weekend Box Office (10-14-12): Taken 2 repeats at top while Argo and Sinister impress.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Review: Taken 2 (2012) cuts its nose to spite its face.
Taken 2
92 minutes
rated PG-13
by Scott Mendelson
Brandon Peters dissects the 007 series part 20: Die Another Day.

Die Another Day
Director: Lee Tamahori
Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Rosamund Pike, Toby
Stephens, Rick Yune, Judi Dench, John Cleese
I’m Mr. Kil
~Mr. Kil
Okay, so I’m starting a little early, but I have to mention
this. This moment is so horrible. Bond gets out of his car and this big goon by
the side of the road just awkwardly and out of place says this to him. FOR NO REASON. Bond doesn’t acknowledge the guy or
anything. Its almost very “I like
turtles” variety. And seriously? Mr. Kil?
That’s like calling Oddjob ‘Mr. Hat’.
Or Red Grant “Blonde Strong”. Or
calling Jaws…uh…oh…well…”Giant Metal Mouth Biting Man”.
Kills: 16
Bond Girls: Jinx,
Miranda Frost
Cars: Aston Martin
Locales: North Korea,
Cuba, Iceland
Odd Villain Trait:
Zao has the side of his face embedded with diamonds
Song: “Die Another
Day” performed by Madonna
Ridiculous. If I were
to describe Die Another Day with just
one word, that’s what I would choose.
Bond’s 20th film, released on his 40th anniversary
features poor direction, performance and much absurdity with an overabundance
of call backs (some obvious and some very Where’s Waldo-ish). Like the other long tenured Bonds, Roger
Moore and Sean Connery, before him, Pierce Brosnan bows out on an obvious sub
par entry and one of the worst films of the series. Funny, both Pierce and Sean left off with
diamond related satellite-laser beam plots by madmen who are having DNA
reconstruction done to change faces.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Les Miserables gets character posters and a very familiar theatrical one-sheet. Can't friggin wait...!
The four character posters, highlighting the four lead actors/characters (Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfriend, and likely Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominee Anne Hathaway) are after the jump. I have little to add only to repeating my foaming-at-the-mouth excitement from earlier discussions of this project. December 25th, or whenever Universal lets me see this thing, can't come soon enough. The above comparison, which basically speaks for itself, came from Average Film Reviews.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
The Gangster Squad gets a second silly trailer along with some very Caucasian character posters.
This still looks like a bunch of kids playing dress-up and acting out juvenile cops-and-robbers fantasies. Think Bugsy Malone remaking LA Confidential. Maybe it's the weirdly 'let's appeal to the kids!' rap song on the soundtrack. Maybe's it's Sean Penn acting as badly as he can. Maybe it's the marketing department trying to sell the idea that we're supposed to *care* about the forbidden romance between Emma Stone (as "the girl", I hope merely as a favor to Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer) and Ryan Gosling. But this frankly looks rather silly and, R-rating and apparent ultra-violence notwithstanding, like a stereo-typically CW-friendly remake of LA Confidential or Mulholland Falls (yes, I know the latter also starred Nick Nolte). Anyway, also dropping over the last couple days are a bunch of posters. The theatrical one-sheet is notible in that it resembles the cover of a low-budget straight-to-VHS gangster movie from the early 1990s. Not *bad* so much as having a distinct 'B-movie' vibe. The character posters are more disconcerting. As you'll see after the jump, we've got nine actors getting billing and just five character posters. Amusingly, the cast's lone African American castmember, Anthony Mackie, doesn't get his own poster, having to stand at the back of the proverbial bus behind box office dynamo Giovanni Ribisi. What about Michael Pena? Hispanics apparently don't get face time at all, as he, along with the very Caucasian Robert Patrick are completely MIA. Stay classy Warner Bros, stay classy.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Anthony Mackie,
character posters,
Emma Stone,
Josh Brolin,
Michael Pena,
Nick Nolte,
Ruben Fleischer,
Ryan Gosling,
Sean Penn,
The Gangster Squad,
Warner Bros
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The forgotten classic among 007 theme songs...
I've generally stayed out of the James Bond waters of late for pretty obvious reasons. But as a result of Adele's Skyfall being released, I went back and listened to the previous 007 theme songs, paying extra attention to the post-GoldenEye tunes that I have perhaps only listened to once or twice. First of all, I take back every vaguely defensive thing I ever said about Madonna's "Die Another Day". The tuneless, joyless disco chore is every bit as awful as the pundits claimed ten years ago, so mea culpa. But the next one on the list was Chris Cornell's "You Know My Name" from Casino Royale. I had only heard the song perhaps once, when I saw the film in theaters six years ago (confession: when I watch the 007 films at home, I usually skip the credit sequences as they do nothing for me and of course are completely disconnected to the narrative). So imagine my surprise as I discovered, six years late perhaps, what a rather terrific and catchy kick-ass rock tune Cornell's ditty actually is. It's firmly in the vein of hard-rock "being a spy is *hard!* tunes from The Living Daylights and A View To A Kill (and arguably Live and Let Die). It's also the catchiest tune since Duran Duran's "Dance Into the Fire" and stands alongside that camp classic as one of the best pure rock-n-roll songs in the Bond universe. Anyway, if you haven't listened to it in awhile, sample above. And consider this a second mea culpa, for not realizing how good this theme was all those years.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
The new Texas Chainsaw 3D poster is missing something.
Anyone else notice anything missing in this one-sheet for Texas Chainsaw 3D? Anyone else notice that there is perhaps a rather iconic object, one that you would think would be a key marketing image, is not present in this theatrical one-sheet? No? Okay, I'll give you a hint... look at the title again. Okay now look at Leatherface's hands. What isn't he holding? YES! Sigh... this rather terrible-looking Texas Chainsaw 3D opens on January 4th, 2013. I'm sure a trailer will be attached to every print of Paranormal Activity 4 next weekend ensuring a massive opening weekend come January. Oh well, at least now I'll have an easier time defending the painfully underrated Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
If you have the time, watch the entire 42-minute Steven Spielberg Q&A from last night's Lincoln screenings.
I will hopefully be seeing Lincoln when the regular press screenings begin, but for now here is the complete 42-minute Q&A that followed a national sneak of sorts that took place last night at various AMC theaters (the LA one started at 4:30pm, so I didn't even try to sneak in). Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis were in attendance. For now, enjoy this rather enjoyable video. if the embed crashes or doesn't work, the link is HERE.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Release date musical chairs: How to fix the upcoming November/December clusterf**k...
I mentioned this briefly last night, but taking a look at the release date calendar of the last two months of the year, it is clear that something is quite amiss. It's not just a matter of too many movies being released at the end of the year, nor even a matter of too many "Oscar bait" pictures drowning each other out as is sometimes the case. No, when you look at the release calendar for November and December, you notice an odd pattern. There are nine weeks in the last two months of the year, during which we have a total of twenty-one (21) wide releases, counting the November 16th expansion of Spielberg's Lincoln. Now you might think "Oh, that's about two per week, that's not so bad". But the problem is the scheduling itself. There are five of those nine weeks with just a single new release, leaving the fifteen other movies to fight it out over the remaining five weeks. It gets even more dire when you look at the specific release schedules in question. You've got four weekends with one (1) new release and one weekend with two (2) new nationwide releases. That leaves fifteen movies fighting it out over four weekends, four weekends which now average 3.75 films a weekend. Something's gotta give and/or someone has to have the good sense to move around a bit and spread the wealth.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tarantino's Django Unchained gets a full trailer, keeps its awful Christmas Day release date.
As usual with most recent Tarantino films, if you look closely at the trailer you'll find bits of action surrounded by lots of people talking and talking. The effectiveness of a Tarantino film generally rests with the quality of the conversations. In this case, why not spend Christmas day listening to Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, and Christoph Waltz chit-chat for a couple hours (or more)? DiCaprio looks like he's having the time of his life and if the film earns Oscar love he seems the most likely recipient. As I've said before, Tarantino makes *movies* and this gorgeous and richly-colorful bit of revisionist history looks like no exception. Will it be high art, a subversive look at another very dark historical chapter through the wish-fulfillment lens of cinema? One hopes so, as Inglorious Bastards pulled off that trick three years ago. But even if it's just a trashy good time, it looks like a fun time with good company. I'm not sure how smart a Christmas day release is. If you have a bunch of family members in the house after Christmas, what are the chances everyone in the family is old enough for this hard-R action comedy? Truth be told, the big family is going to probably see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey again as a consensus choice. If I were Weinstein Company, I'd move this one to the December 14th slot vacated by Les Miserables, which is now opening alongside Django Unchained. Oh heck, December 7th now has nothing but the Gerald Butler romcom Playing For Keeps. Point being, being perceived as a box office flop won't help the film's Oscar chances, especially with voting occurring even earlier this season. So I'd get the hell out of Christmas if I were them. Anyway, what do you think of the trailer or the release date?
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
Hitchcock (IE - The Making of Psycho) gets a trailer.
Well this looks like good fun, even if it tries to sell the making of a popcorn entertainment as an epic "Us vs. the World!" underdog story. Based purely on the cast alone, this is one of my top must-sees of the Oscar season, as I can't imagine it not being a gold-star acting treat. I could carp that it follows the standard biopic trailer, even to the point of trying to sell the story of the world's most famous director making his next pulp fiction as a grand David vs. Goliath story. But the actors all look grand and this looks like a good bit of inside-baseball fun. I don't know how much general moviegoers will care about this one (when I was twelve, would my friends and older relatives flocked to a film about the making of The Treasure of Sierra Madre?), but if it's cheap enough if should be a solid investment. I do wish we had gotten a glimpse of Michael Wincott as serial murderer Ed Geinn, but I hope his apparent absence doesn't mean he's but a cameo. Anyway, Hitchcock debuts on November 1st as the opening film of the AFI Film Festival before debuting in limited release on November 23rd. As always, we'll see. Your thoughts?
It's Argo versus Sinister versus Here Comes the Boom in John Gosling's weekend movie preview (10-12-12)
Our first new release on this busy week is the latest directorial effort from Ben Affleck. Argo is based on the real life story of the audacious rescue of six U.S diplomats during the Iran hostage crisis in 1979/80. The basis for the screenplay is in part based on the memoirs of CIA Agent Tony Mendez (who orchestrated the rescue) and a 2007 Wired magazine article entitled 'How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans from Tehran' written by Joshuah Bearman. The film follows true events, though as Affleck has been quick to note, Argo is based on a true story, as opposed to being a true story and thus a certain amount of dramatic license has been used to bring the events to life. After students and militants swarm the American embassy in Iran, which results in 52 people being taken hostage, a group of six people manage to evade capture and ultimately seek sanctuary at the Canadian Embassy. In order to get them out of Iran safely, the CIA enlist the skills of their agent Tony Mendez, a specialist in covert and clandestine work. Mendez comes up with the idea of a fake film (the Argo of the title), with the idea of passing off the six diplomats as members of the Canadian film crew, who are in Iran to scout locations. To further cement the cover story, the CIA set up and staffed an office in Los Angeles for the fake picture and even produced posters for inclusion in Hollywood publications. With the help of the Canadian government (who granted the U.S citizens Canadian passports), the plan was put into place.
Brandon Peters dissects the 007 series part 19: The World Is Not Enough.
With Skyfall dropping in theaters in just a over a month, along with the 50th anniversary of the James Bond series, a close friend and fellow film nerd, Brandon Peters, has generously offered to do a comprehensive review of the entire 007 film franchise. Today is the nineteenth entry, with a full review of one of the most underrated entries, The World Is Not Enough. I hope you enjoy what is a pretty massive feature leading up the November 9th release of Skyfall. I'll do my best to leave my two-cents out of it. But just because I'm stepping aside doesn't mean you should. Without further ado...
The World Is Not
Director: Michael
Starring: Pierce
Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, Robert Carlyle, Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Denise
Rated PG-13
Remember 007, shadows
always remain in front or behind... never on top.
Kills: 25
Bond Girls: Elektra
King, Christmas Jones, Dr. Molly Warmflash
Cars: BMW Z8
Locales: Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan, Istanbul
Odd Villain Trait:
Renard has a bullet in his head, taking away his body’s senses, it will
eventually kill him as it slowly travels through his brain, making him already
dead. Also there is Bullion who has a
gold set of chompers.
Song: “The World Is
Not Enough” performed by Garbage
Okay, skipping an introduction paragraph and shooting right
past the brief synopsis, let’s just get to THE biggest sticking point of this
movie right away. Denise Richards
stinks. And she lays a big egg in this
film. I’m fully aware of that. Not only is her performance lame, but she’s
brings zero accountability to her role as a nuclear scientist. I don’t think she is the worst Bond girl of
all time (minor spoiler, I prefer this kind of crap Bond girl to what we’re
going to get in the next film), but she definitely earns a place in the top
5-10 worst. Just because she sucks does
not mean this film does. I think a lot
of the ill regard to The World Is Not
Enough revolves around people’s memory of this character. She doesn't show up until an hour in, and a
better costumed and more skilled performer might have people looking back more
fondly on this film. And yes, her
character has no business (maybe because Richards isn't good) being involved in
many scenes, but I argue this is far from the first time this has
happened. For me, and after seeing
pretty face after pretty face “attempt” to act in earlier films during my
marathon, I’m able to shrug it off and enjoy the film being provided.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Review: Argo (2012) is a terrific old-school historical thriller
120 minutes
rated R
rated R
by Scott Mendelson
I've written a lot over the years about film punditry so seemingly starved for excellence that they will anoint mere craftsmanship as art. Ben Affleck's Argo (trailer) is a crackerjack piece of filmmaking craft. It is an astonishingly authentic representation of a rather important historical turning point, vividly capturing time and place with such skill that it genuinely feels like a film created in its time period. It is rich with period detail and filled to the brim with top-notch character actors. It is so engaging and so entertaining that I frankly don't care whether every allegedly non-fiction detail is true. But ironically the picture's greatest strength as a movie arguably becomes its greatest flaw as a film. It is not really about anything other than itself, refusing to infuse its narrative with any deeper meaning beyond our own knowledge of what happened next. It is not a sober historical document but rather a caper film that happens to take place during a major moment in world history. Like Moneyball, it is refreshingly lacking in perceived importance but also suffers from a lack of gravitas.
I've written a lot over the years about film punditry so seemingly starved for excellence that they will anoint mere craftsmanship as art. Ben Affleck's Argo (trailer) is a crackerjack piece of filmmaking craft. It is an astonishingly authentic representation of a rather important historical turning point, vividly capturing time and place with such skill that it genuinely feels like a film created in its time period. It is rich with period detail and filled to the brim with top-notch character actors. It is so engaging and so entertaining that I frankly don't care whether every allegedly non-fiction detail is true. But ironically the picture's greatest strength as a movie arguably becomes its greatest flaw as a film. It is not really about anything other than itself, refusing to infuse its narrative with any deeper meaning beyond our own knowledge of what happened next. It is not a sober historical document but rather a caper film that happens to take place during a major moment in world history. Like Moneyball, it is refreshingly lacking in perceived importance but also suffers from a lack of gravitas.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Review: Seven Psychopaths (2012) is a thoughtful and powerful deconstruction on the modern crime comedy.
Seven Psychopaths
2012109 minutes
rated R
by Scott Mendelson
Martin McDonagh's Seven Psychopaths is something of a miracle. It works both as a straight-ahead crime dramedy while also serving as a piercing satire of said genre. It is a delightfully funny and clever romp in the land of violent criminals as well as a post-modern commentary on both the cliches of the format and the very fact that we not only embrace such characterizations but hold them on a higher platform in terms of critical acclaim and prestige. At its basest level, McDonagh's film aims to take every wanna-be hip gangster saga that has emerged eighteen years after Pulp Fiction and slap them all silly. But while the meta-moments and occasionally outlandish violence may stand out, it's the commitment to its own reality and acknowledging the tragedy of its own blood-soaked tale that makes the film linger and makes it a genuine work of brilliance. This is simply one of my favorite films of the year and one of the year's happiest surprises.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Weekend Box Office (10-07-12): Taken 2 scores $50m while Frankenweenie stumbles and Pitch Perfect stays on-note.

Taken 2 basically pulled a Bourne this weekend, as a prime example where a well-liked and leggy original film capitalized on said goodwill with a massive opening weekend for the second installment. Taken 2: The Takening earned a massive $50 million this weekend, which is more than double the $24 million debut of the first Taken over Super Bowl weekend 2009. If the numbers hold, it will be the third-biggest opening in October, behind only last year's $52 million debut of Paranormal Activity 3 and $50.4 million debut of Jackass 3D. The trajectory is most similar to the Bourne series and yes the last two 007 films. The Bourne Identity had a $27 million debut in June 2002, which was followed by a leggy run to $121 million and a sterling performance on DVD as a top-rented title. Two summers later, The Bourne Supremacy debuted to $52 million and ended its US run with $176 million. While Casino Royale was technically the 22nd 007 film, it played like a reboot/fresh start to the franchise and it too parlayed a solid $40 million opening into a leggy $167 million run and massive critical and audience approval. Two years later, Quantum of Solace opened with $67 million and quick-killed its way to a $168 million domestic gross.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Brandon Peters dissects the 007 series part 18: Tomorrow Never Dies.

Tomorrow Never Dies
Director: Roger
Spottiswoode (of Terror Train fame!)
Starring: Pierce
Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Jonathan Pryce, Teri Hatcher, Judi Dench
Rated PG-13
When you remove Mr.
Bond’s heart, there should be just enough time for him to watch it stop
~Elliot Carver
Kills: 25 (estimate)
Girls: Paris Carver,
Wai Lin
Car: BMW 7 Series,
Bond’s casual ride is still the Aston Martin
Locales: Russia,
Hamburg, China
Odd Villain Trait:
Stamper, another Red Grant but trained in Chakra torture
Song: “Tomorrow Never
Dies” performed by Sheryl Crow
Other notable song:
“Surrender” performed by kd Lang
GoldenEye’s follow
up film, Tomorrow Never Dies, was a
studio rush job in trying to cash in the restored success of the 007 series. The production seemed to be a mess, starting
off with an incomplete script. It’s
surprising as none of that seems to translate to the final product. It’s not the best of the series, but seems to
float on the better side of the middle ground like For Your Eyes Only. Tomorrow Never Dies
features media mogul Elliot Carver trying to start WWIII between China and the
UK. He has a stealth ship in which he
initially uses to sink a British battleship.
James Bond is sent in to investigate Carver, looking to gather
information from his ex-flame and wife of Carver, Paris. Bond also stumbles upon a Chinese agent, Wai
Lin who is also investigating Carver.
The two team up to uncover and stop Carver.
007 retrospective,
Brandon Peters,
Daniel Craig,
James Bond,
Jonathan Pryce,
Judi Dench,
Michelle Yeoh,
Pierce Brosnan,
Roger Spottiswoode,
Teri Hatcher,
Tomorrow Never Dies
Thursday, October 4, 2012
UPDATED: Adele's new SKYFALL theme is frankly terrific.
UPDATED with a new short trailer cut to the song, which works just fine.
Scott Mendelson
Note - In response to comments, yes I am a big fan of Tina Turner's "GoldenEye" theme song, especially as its line 'You'll never know how I watched you in the shadows as a child...' evokes the idea that the musicians penning 007 themes grew up on the franchise. But it doesn't quite work as a stand-alone single, which is why you never hear it on the radio, hence it's not one of the very very best themes.
Daniel Craig,
James Bond,
Sam Mendes,
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- Dwight Henry (1)
- Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2)
- Dylan McDermott (1)
- Easter (1)
- Eclipse (1)
- Ed Brubaker (2)
- Ed Gein (1)
- Ed Helms (4)
- Eddie Murphy (8)
- Eddie Redmayne (1)
- Edge of Darkness (1)
- EdTV (1)
- education (2)
- Edward Burns (1)
- Edward Cullen (6)
- Edward Norton (1)
- Eleanor Tomlinson (1)
- Election 2012 (3)
- Elementary (3)
- Eli Roth (1)
- Elias Koteas (3)
- Elizabeth Banks (3)
- Elizabeth Winstead (1)
- Ella Enchanted (1)
- Elle Fanning (2)
- Ellen DeGeneres (1)
- Elliot Goldenthal (1)
- Elysium (2)
- embargo (1)
- Emile Hirsch (1)
- Emilia Clarke (1)
- Emily Blunt (10)
- Emily Browning (2)
- Emily Watson (1)
- Emma Roberts (1)
- Emma Stone (23)
- Emma Thompson (5)
- Emma Watson (11)
- Emmanuelle Riva (1)
- Emmy Rossum (3)
- Empire (1)
- End of Watch (4)
- Enders Game (1)
- Enemy Mine (1)
- Enemy of the State (2)
- Entertainment Tonight (2)
- entertainment weekly (4)
- Eon (1)
- Epic (1)
- epidemic (1)
- Eric Bana (1)
- Eric Radomski (4)
- Eric Toledano (1)
- Erin Cressida Wilson (1)
- Escape from Planet Earth (1)
- essay (11)
- Essays (282)
- Essays. Forbes (1)
- essays. gender roles (1)
- essays. news commentary (30)
- essays. politics (6)
- ET (1)
- Ethan Hawke (1)
- Eugene Jarecki (1)
- Eva Green (5)
- Eva Mendes (1)
- Evan Goldberg (1)
- Evanna Lynch (1)
- event horizon (1)
- Every Secret Thing (1)
- Evil Dead (7)
- Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn (1)
- Evil Dead franchise retrospective (6)
- Ewan McGregor (2)
- Expendables (7)
- Expendables 2 (13)
- Extended Collection (1)
- Extended Cut (1)
- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2)
- Eyes Wide Shut (1)
- F.Gary Gray (1)
- Fair Game (1)
- Fallen (1)
- Family Guy (1)
- Famke Janssen (4)
- famous bombs (1)
- Farrelly Bros (1)
- Fast and Furious 6 (3)
- fast and the furious; Vin Diesel (1)
- Fast Five (16)
- Faster (2)
- Fede Albarez (1)
- Felicity Jones (1)
- feminism (26)
- Fifth Element (1)
- Fight Club (1)
- Film District (6)
- Final Destination 5 (4)
- finale (2)
- finale; TV (2)
- Finding Dory (1)
- Finding Nemo (5)
- Finding Nemo 2 (1)
- Firefly (1)
- Flash (1)
- Flashpoint (1)
- Flight (7)
- Flintstones (1)
- Footloose (2)
- For Colored Girls (4)
- For Your Eyes Only (1)
- found footage (1)
- Four Lions (2)
- Fox (3)
- Fox Kids (3)
- Fox News (1)
- Fox Searchlight (7)
- Frailty (1)
- Frances McDormand (1)
- Francis Lawrence (1)
- François Cluzet (1)
- Frank Langella (1)
- Frank Miller (2)
- Frankenweenie (7)
- freddy kruger (1)
- Friday the 13th (1)
- Friends With Benefits (2)
- Friends With Kids (2)
- Fright Night (3)
- Fringe (1)
- From Rome With Love (1)
- From Russia With Love (3)
- Frozen (2)
- Fugitive (1)
- Fun Size (3)
- Funny Or Die (1)
- Futurama (1)
- G (1)
- G.I. Joe: Retaliation (4)
- G.I. Joe: Retaliation; Paramount (1)
- G4 (1)
- Gabourey Sidibe (2)
- Gabrielle Union (2)
- Galaxy Quest (1)
- Game Change (1)
- Game of Thrones (2)
- Gareth Evans (1)
- Gargoyles (1)
- Gary Oldman (21)
- Gary Ross (4)
- gay marriage (1)
- gay rights (2)
- Gemma Arterton (2)
- gender issues (8)
- gender roles (54)
- genocide (1)
- George Clooney (11)
- George H.W. Bush (1)
- George Lazenby (4)
- George Lucas (19)
- George Nolfi (1)
- George Takei (1)
- George V. Higgins (1)
- George W. Bush (5)
- Gerald Butler (4)
- Ghost Rider 2 (2)
- Ghost Writer (1)
- GI Joe (1)
- GI Joe: Retaliation (4)
- GI Joe: Retribution (1)
- Gillian Anderson (1)
- Gilmore Girls (1)
- Gina Carano (1)
- Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (16)
- Glee (7)
- Gnomeo and Juliet (1)
- Going the Distance (1)
- Golden Globes (2)
- goldeneye (4)
- Goldfinger (1)
- Goldfinger; 007 (1)
- Gone (5)
- Gone Baby Gone (1)
- Good Deeds (1)
- Good Fellas (1)
- good films you missed (3)
- good movie news in 2012 (3)
- Goon (2)
- GOP (1)
- Gore Verbinski (13)
- gossip (2)
- Gossip Girl (1)
- GQ (1)
- Green Hornet (4)
- Green Lantern (26)
- Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (1)
- Greg Weisman (1)
- Gremlins 2 (1)
- grindhouse (1)
- Guardians of the Galaxy (1)
- Guest Essay (6)
- Guillermo del Toro (7)
- Guy Pearce (7)
- Guy Ritchie (3)
- Gwen Stacy (1)
- Gwyneth Paltrow (8)
- H.P. Lovecraft (1)
- Hairspray (1)
- Hak Holbrook (1)
- Haley Joel Osment (2)
- Hall Pass (1)
- Halle Berry (6)
- Halle Berry Kate Winslet (1)
- halloween (5)
- Halloween III (1)
- hancock (6)
- hand-drawn animation (1)
- hangover (3)
- hangover 2 (17)
- Hanna (4)
- Hans Zimmer (1)
- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (4)
- Happy Feet Two (1)
- Harley Quinn (1)
- Harmony Korine (1)
- Harold and Kumar (1)
- Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (3)
- Harrison Ford (12)
- Harry Guardino (1)
- Harry Potter (25)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1)
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (46)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (1)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2)
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (1)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2)
- Harry Potter retrospective (8)
- Harvey Weinstein (8)
- Haywire (2)
- HBO (1)
- He-Man (2)
- health insurance (1)
- Heath Ledger (3)
- Helen Hunt (3)
- Helen Keller (1)
- Helen Mirren (5)
- Hemingway and Gelhorn (1)
- Henry Cavill (8)
- Here Comes the Boom (2)
- Hereafter (2)
- Hermione Granger (1)
- Hero's Journey (1)
- history (1)
- Hit and Run (2)
- Hitchcock (4)
- hobo with a shotgun (1)
- Hold On (1)
- Hollywood Reporter (2)
- Homicide: Life on the Street (1)
- homophobia (1)
- homosexuality (2)
- Honda Center (1)
- Hoodwinked Too (1)
- Hop (4)
- Hope Springs (2)
- Horrible Bosses (1)
- horror (2)
- horror sequels (1)
- hostel 2 (1)
- Hotel Transylvania (3)
- House at the End of the Street (2)
- How to Train Your Dragon (7)
- Howard (1)
- Huffington Post (1)
- Hugh Grant (1)
- Hugh Jackman (14)
- Hugh Jackson (1)
- Hugo (5)
- Hugo Strange (1)
- hugo weaving (3)
- Hulk (3)
- Hulu (1)
- Human Centipede II (1)
- humor (28)
- humor; DC Comics (1)
- Hunger Games (22)
- Hunger Games: Chasing Fire (1)
- Hyde Park on the Hudson (1)
- i (1)
- I Am Legend (2)
- I Am Number Four (4)
- Ian McKellen (2)
- Ice Age (1)
- Ice Age: Continental Drift (7)
- Identity Thief (5)
- ideology (1)
- Ides of March (1)
- Idris Elba (7)
- ie (1)
- IFC (5)
- Illumination (2)
- Image Entertainment (1)
- IMAX (181)
- immigration (3)
- Immortals (2)
- Imogen Poots (1)
- In Defense Of (2)
- In the Land of Blood and Honey (1)
- In Time (1)
- Inception (11)
- independence day (2)
- Indiana Jones (8)
- infection (1)
- Insidious (3)
- Interviews (9)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1)
- Iraq (2)
- Iron Lady (1)
- Iron Man (8)
- Iron Man 2 (8)
- iron man 3 (15)
- Isaac Marion (1)
- Isla Fisher (4)
- Ivan Reitman (1)
- Izabella Scorupco (1)
- J Edgar (1)
- J. Edgar (1)
- J.J. Abrams (10)
- Jabob (1)
- Jack and Jill (1)
- Jack Bauer (1)
- Jack Black (2)
- Jack Ketchum (1)
- Jack McBrayer (1)
- Jack Reacher (5)
- Jack Sparrow (2)
- Jack the Giant Slayer (5)
- jackass (4)
- Jacki Weaver (1)
- Jackie Chan (2)
- Jackie Robinson (2)
- Jacob (2)
- Jaden Smith (3)
- Jafar (1)
- Jai Courtney (2)
- Jake Gyllenhaal (5)
- James Bond (38)
- James Cam (1)
- James Cameron (10)
- James Doohan (1)
- James Ergo (1)
- James Franco (17)
- James Gandolfini (2)
- James Hong (1)
- James Horner (2)
- James Mangold (3)
- James Marsden (2)
- James Newton (1)
- James Patterson (4)
- James Reburn (1)
- Jamie Fox (1)
- Jamie Foxx (4)
- Jan De Bont (1)
- Jane Campion (1)
- Jane Eyre (1)
- Jane Goldman (1)
- Jane Levy (1)
- Jane Lynch (1)
- jared harris (7)
- Jasen Wade (1)
- Jasmine (1)
- Jason Bateman (2)
- Jason Clarke (1)
- Jason Reitman (4)
- Jason S (1)
- Jason Segal (4)
- Jason Segel (7)
- Jason Statham (17)
- Jason Sudeikis (1)
- Jaume Collet-Serra (1)
- Javier Bardem (6)
- Jaws (2)
- Jay Baruchel (1)
- Jay Roach (1)
- Jean Claude Van-Damme (1)
- Jean-Claude Van Damme (5)
- Jean-Louis Trintignant (1)
- Jeff Bridges (3)
- Jeff Daniels (2)
- jeff goldblum (5)
- Jeffrey Katzenberg (3)
- Jeffrey Wright (2)
- jennifer aniston (8)
- Jennifer Ehle (1)
- Jennifer Garner (3)
- Jennifer Grey (1)
- Jennifer Laurence (1)
- Jennifer Lawrence (23)
- Jennifer Lee (1)
- Jennifer Lopez (2)
- Jennifer Westfeldt (2)
- Jennifer Yuh Nelson (2)
- Jeremy Irons (5)
- Jeremy Piven (1)
- Jeremy Renner (16)
- Jerry Bruckheimer (4)
- Jerry Orbach (1)
- Jesse and Celeste Forever (1)
- Jesse Eisenberg (1)
- Jessica Alba (1)
- Jessica Biel (9)
- Jessica Brown-Findlay Teresa Palmer (1)
- Jessica Chaistan (4)
- Jessica Chastain (14)
- Jessie Eisenberg (1)
- Jet Li (6)
- Jigsaw (1)
- Jim Henson (1)
- Jim Carrey (9)
- Jim Dietz (1)
- Jim Henson (1)
- Jimmy Kimmel (1)
- JJ Abrams (11)
- JK Rowling (2)
- Joaquin Phoenix (2)
- Jodie Foster (8)
- Joe Berlinger (1)
- Joe Cornish (1)
- Joe Johnston (3)
- Joe Swanberg (1)
- Joe Wright (1)
- Joel McHale (1)
- Joel Schumacher; Batman (1)
- John C. McGinley (1)
- John C. Reilly (4)
- John Carpenter (1)
- John Carter (19)
- John Carter; Total Recall (1)
- John Cho (5)
- john cusack (3)
- John Goodman (4)
- John Gosling (19)
- John Hawkes (2)
- John Hillcoat (2)
- John Hurt (1)
- John Leguizamo (1)
- John Malkovich (2)
- John McCain (1)
- John McTiernan (4)
- John Moore (3)
- john singleton (2)
- John Travolta (2)
- John Vernon (1)
- Johnny Depp (36)
- Johnny English Reborn (1)
- Johnny Knoxville (1)
- Johnny Lee Miller (3)
- Joker (2)
- Jon Bernthal (1)
- Jon Chu (5)
- Jon Favreau (9)
- Jon Hamm (5)
- Jon Seda (1)
- Jon Stewart (1)
- Jon Wells (1)
- Jonah Hex (3)
- Jonah Hill (2)
- Jonathan Levine (1)
- Jonathan Liebesman (7)
- Jonathan Pryce (2)
- Jordana Brewster (2)
- Jordanna Brewster (4)
- Joseph Campbell (1)
- Joseph Gorden-Levitt (5)
- Joseph Gordon Levitt (4)
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt (8)
- Joseph Kosinski (3)
- Joseph Lieberman (1)
- Joseph Russo (1)
- Josh Brolin (8)
- Josh Hartnett (1)
- Josh Hutcherson (2)
- Josh Pence (1)
- Joshua Oram (1)
- Joss Whedon (10)
- Journalism (1)
- Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (3)
- Joyful Noise (1)
- Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (1)
- Judd Apatow (3)
- Jude Law (8)
- Judge Dredd (2)
- Judi Dench (16)
- Judy Greer (3)
- Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer (1)
- Julia Leigh (1)
- Julia Roberts (8)
- Julia Snigir (1)
- Julianne Hough (2)
- Julianne Moore (2)
- jumping the broom (1)
- Jurassic Park (7)
- Just Go With It (1)
- Justice League (4)
- Justice League Unlimited (1)
- Justice League: Doom; Warner Bros (1)
- Justin Bieber (4)
- Justin Haythe (1)
- Justin Lin (3)
- Justin Ling (1)
- Justin Long (2)
- Justin Timberlake (7)
- Kal Penn (4)
- Karate Kid (2)
- Karl Rove (1)
- Karl Urban (1)
- Kasi Lemmons (1)
- Kate Beckinsale (4)
- Kate Bosworth (2)
- kate hudson (4)
- Kate Winslet (6)
- Katherine Heigl (4)
- Kathryn Bigelow (8)
- Kathy Bates (1)
- Katie Holmes (3)
- Katniss Everdeen (1)
- Katy Perry; Sesame Street (1)
- Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D (2)
- Keanu Reeves (4)
- Keira Knightley (1)
- Keira Knightly (2)
- Keith David (2)
- Kelly MacDonald (1)
- Kenneth Branagh (5)
- Kermit the Frog (2)
- Kerry Bellessa (1)
- Kerry Washington (1)
- Kevin Bacon (1)
- Kevin Conroy (4)
- Kevin Costner (2)
- Kevin Hart (1)
- Kevin James (2)
- Kevin McClory (1)
- Kevin Smith (3)
- Kevin Spacey (1)
- kevin williamson (4)
- Kick Ass (1)
- Kick Ass 2 (1)
- Kick-Ass (2)
- Kickstarter (1)
- kids (1)
- Kids WB (3)
- Kids WB. DC Animated Universe (1)
- Kiefer Sutherland (2)
- Kill List (1)
- Killer Elite (2)
- Killer Joe (4)
- Killers (1)
- Killing Them Softly (7)
- Kim Basinger (1)
- Kim Jee-Woon (1)
- kim kardashian (1)
- Kimberly Peirce (1)
- Kindergarten Cop (1)
- King Kong (3)
- King's Speech (8)
- Kirsten Dunst (5)
- Knight and Day (1)
- Kristen Bell (3)
- Kristen Connolly (1)
- Kristen Dunst (1)
- Kristen Stewart (27)
- kristen wiig (8)
- Kung Fu Panda (2)
- Kung Fu Panda 2 (17)
- Kurt Russell (1)
- Kurtwood Smith (1)
- Kyle Gallner (1)
- Kyle Leaman (1)
- LA Times (1)
- Labor Day (1)
- Lady in the Water (1)
- Lady In White (1)
- Lana Wachowski (1)
- Lara Croft (1)
- Larry Crowne (1)
- Lars von Trier (1)
- Last Airbender (1)
- Last Exorcism II (1)
- Last Ounce of Courage (1)
- Laura Dern (4)
- Laurence Fishburne (1)
- Law and Order (1)
- Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (1)
- Lawless (4)
- lawsuit (2)
- Lee Daniels (1)
- Legend of the Fist (1)
- Legend of the Guardians (1)
- Legend of Zorro (1)
- Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (1)
- Lego: The Piece of Resistance (1)
- Legos (1)
- Len Wiseman (5)
- Leonard Nimoy (1)
- Leonardo DiCaprio (9)
- Les Miserables (13)
- Leslie Mann (1)
- Leslie Nielsen (1)
- Leslye Headland (1)
- Let Me In (1)
- Lethal Weapon 2 (1)
- Letters to Juliet (1)
- Lex Luthor (1)
- LexG (1)
- Lexi Alexander (1)
- Liam Hemsworth (1)
- Liam Neeson (16)
- Liberty Ross (1)
- License to Kill (1)
- Liev Schreiber (1)
- Life of Pi (5)
- Lilly Collins (1)
- Lilo and Stitch (2)
- lily (1)
- Lily Collins (6)
- Lim Marlohe (1)
- limitless (2)
- Lincoln (17)
- Lincoln Lawyer (5)
- Lindsay Lohan (2)
- Lindsey Lohan (1)
- Lion King (6)
- Lionsgate (61)
- Lionsgate; Madea (1)
- Lisbeth Salander (1)
- Little Fockers (6)
- Little Mermaid (3)
- Live and Let Die (1)
- Live Free Or Die Hard (4)
- Livewire (1)
- Lizzy Caplan (2)
- Lockout (4)
- logos (1)
- Loki (1)
- Lone Ranger (4)
- Looney Tunes (2)
- Looper (7)
- lorax (2)
- lord of the rings (14)
- Lords of Salem (1)
- Lorna Raver (1)
- Los Angeles Times (1)
- Lost (6)
- Lou Taylor Pucci (1)
- Louis Leterrier (1)
- Luc Besson (2)
- Lucas Black (1)
- Lucasfilm (6)
- Lucky McGee (1)
- Lucy Liu (3)
- Luke Evans (1)
- Luna Lovegood (1)
- Lynn Collins (2)
- Lynne Ramsay (1)
- M. Night Shyamalan (7)
- MacGruber (3)
- Machete (2)
- Mad Magazine (1)
- Mad Men (1)
- Madagascar (2)
- Madagascar 3 (8)
- Madea (1)
- Madea's Witness Proection (2)
- Madonna (2)
- Mads Mikkelson (1)
- Maggie Grace (2)
- Maggie Q (1)
- Magic Mike (3)
- Magic Mike 2 (1)
- magnet (1)
- Magnola (1)
- Magnolia (6)
- Magnum Force (2)
- Malcolm D. Lee (1)
- Malcolm McDowell (1)
- Maleficent (1)
- Mama (4)
- Man of Steel (11)
- Man with the Iron Fist (1)
- Man with the Iron Fists (1)
- Marc Forster (2)
- Marc Webb (13)
- Marcus Nispel (1)
- Margin Call (1)
- Mario Van Pebbles (1)
- Marion Cotillard (3)
- Marisa Tomei (2)
- Mark Andrews (2)
- Mark Boal (1)
- Mark Canton (1)
- Mark Hamill (4)
- Mark Ruffalo (4)
- Mark Twain (1)
- Mark Wahlberg (6)
- marketing (4)
- Marlon Wayans (1)
- Mars Attacks (1)
- Mars Needs Moms (2)
- martial arts (1)
- Martin Campbell (18)
- Martin Freeman (3)
- Martin McDonagh (1)
- Martin Scorsese (5)
- Martin Short (1)
- Martyrs (1)
- marvel (73)
- Mary J. Blige (1)
- Mask of Zorro (1)
- Masters of the Universe (1)
- Mathieu Amalric (1)
- Matrix (3)
- Matrix Reloaded (1)
- Matt Damon (13)
- Matt Salinger (1)
- Matthew Fox (2)
- Matthew Goode (1)
- Matthew McConaughey (6)
- Matthew Morrison (1)
- Matthew Vaughn (3)
- Max Irons (1)
- Max Payne (1)
- Maya Rudolph (1)
- McG (1)
- Me and My Shadow (1)
- media (1)
- medical care (1)
- Meet the Robinsons (2)
- mega piranha (1)
- Megamind (5)
- megan fox (11)
- mel gibson (7)
- Melancholia (1)
- Melanie Laurent (1)
- Melissa Leo (5)
- Melissa McCarthy (5)
- Memorial Day weekend (3)
- Memories of Jurassic Park (4)
- Men In Black 3 (11)
- Men In Black 3D (2)
- merchandise (1)
- Merida (2)
- Merrill Barr (2)
- Meryl Streep (2)
- Mexico (1)
- MGM (47)
- Mia Wasikowska (4)
- michael bay (23)
- Michael Caine (8)
- Michael Dowse (1)
- Michael Emerson (1)
- Michael Fassbender (5)
- Michael Haneke (1)
- Michael Jackson (1)
- Michael Keaton (1)
- Michael Moore (4)
- Michael Pena (1)
- Michael Rosenbaum (1)
- Michael Shannon (2)
- Michael Sheen (3)
- Michael Wincott (4)
- Michelle pfeiffer (3)
- Michelle Rodriguez (2)
- Michelle Williams (9)
- Michelle Yeoh (1)
- Mickey Rourke (3)
- Midnight in Paris (4)
- Mila Jovovich (1)
- Mila Kunis (13)
- Miles Morales (1)
- Milla Jovovich (1)
- Mimi Leder (1)
- Miramax (1)
- Miramax. Weinstein (1)
- Mirror Mirror (5)
- Miss Bala (1)
- Mission: Impossible (5)
- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (18)
- Mission: Impossible II (1)
- Moneyball (3)
- Monk (1)
- Monster Butler (1)
- Monster University (1)
- Monsters Inc (1)
- Monsters University (2)
- Monsters Vs. Aliens (1)
- Moonraker (2)
- Moonrise Kingdom (4)
- Morgan Freeman (16)
- Morgan Spurlock (1)
- moriarty (1)
- Morning Glory (2)
- Morris Chestnut (2)
- Mortal Kombat (1)
- Mos Def (1)
- Mother (1)
- motion-capture (1)
- Movie 43 (1)
- Movies (3)
- Movies I love more than anyone else (2)
- MPAA (24)
- Mulan (3)
- Mummy Returns (1)
- Munich (1)
- Muppets (18)
- music (5)
- musical (3)
- My Bloody Valentine (1)
- Naomi Watts (2)
- Naomie Harris (2)
- Natalie Portman (22)
- national security (1)
- National Treasure (1)
- NBC (5)
- NC-17 (3)
- Neil Patrick Harris (4)
- Neill Blomkamp (1)
- Netflix (1)
- Never Say Never Again (1)
- Never Sleep Again (1)
- New Line Cinema (8)
- new nightmare (2)
- New Year's Eve (1)
- New Yorker (1)
- News (17)
- News Commentary (203)
- next three days (1)
- niche (1)
- Nichelle Nichols (1)
- Nicholas Hoult (2)
- Nicholas Sparks (1)
- Nick Jr (1)
- Nick Nolte (3)
- Nickelodeon (3)
- Nicolas Cage (9)
- Nicole Beharie (1)
- Nicole Kidman (6)
- Night of the Lepus (1)
- Nighthawks (1)
- Nikita (1)
- Nikki Finke (6)
- Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (1)
- No Contest (1)
- No Strings Attached (3)
- Noah Taylor (1)
- Noomi Rapace (8)
- nostalgia (2)
- Now You See Me (1)
- Nutcracker 3D (1)
- Obamacare (1)
- Obituaries (14)
- Oblivion (4)
- Octopussy (1)
- Olga Kurylenko (1)
- Olive Wilde (1)
- Oliver Stone (1)
- Olivia Wilde (7)
- Olivier Megaton (1)
- Olivier Nakache (1)
- Olympus Has Fallen (5)
- Omar Sy (1)
- On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1)
- One For The Money (3)
- Oogieloves In the Big Balloon Adventure (1)
- Ooogieloves: The Big Balloon Adventure (1)
- Open Road (3)
- Orphan (1)
- Osama Bin Laden (4)
- Oscar (4)
- Oscar 2009 (1)
- Oscar 2010 (6)
- Oscar 2011 (41)
- Oscar 2012 (5)
- Oscar 2013 (33)
- Oscars (1)
- Oscars 2012 (1)
- Oscars 2013 (3)
- Our Idiot Brother (1)
- Out Now With Aaron and Abe (2)
- overrated (3)
- Owen Wilson (1)
- Oz: The Great and Powerful (14)
- P.S. Anderson (1)
- Pacific Rim (3)
- pandemic (1)
- Paramount (110)
- Paranormal Activity (1)
- Paranormal Activity 2 (4)
- paranormal activity 3 (4)
- Paranormal Activity 4 (2)
- ParaNorman (7)
- Parental Guidance (2)
- parenting (1)
- paris hilton (1)
- Parker (1)
- Part-Time Critic (1)
- Pascal Laugier (1)
- Passion Play (1)
- Pat Hingle (1)
- Patricia Clarkson (1)
- Patrick Melton (1)
- Patrick Swayze (2)
- patrick wilson (2)
- patton oswalt (2)
- Patty Jenkins (2)
- Paul Dini (3)
- Paul Dino (1)
- Paul Feig (1)
- Paul Giamatti (2)
- Paul Greengrass (2)
- Paul Newman (1)
- Paul Rudd (4)
- Paul Thomas Anderson (4)
- Paul Verhoeven (1)
- Paul Walker (6)
- Paul WS Anderson (2)
- Paula Patton (2)
- Pay It Forward (1)
- Pearl Harbor (1)
- Penelope Cruz (2)
- People Like Us (2)
- Percy Jackson (1)
- Perks of Being a Wallflower (4)
- Pete Campbell (1)
- Peter Berg (3)
- Peter Cornwell (1)
- peter jackson (13)
- Peter Sarsgaard (4)
- Peter Stormare (1)
- Peter Weller (2)
- PG (2)
- PG-13 (8)
- Phantom (1)
- Phantom Menace (5)
- Phil Lord (1)
- Philip Seymour Hoffman (4)
- philosophy (1)
- Phineas and Ferb (1)
- photos (10)
- pictures (2)
- Pierce Brosnan (11)
- pink (1)
- Piper Perabo (1)
- Piranha 3D (2)
- Pirates of the Caribbean (9)
- Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (1)
- Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (13)
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (1)
- Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (11)
- pirates: band of misfits (2)
- Pitch Perfect (4)
- Pixar (45)
- Planet of the Apes (2)
- Platinum Dunes (3)
- play reviews (1)
- Playing For Keeps (2)
- Pocahontas (1)
- podcast (2)
- Poison Ivy (1)
- politcs (3)
- Politics (102)
- politics... (1)
- pop culture (1)
- poster (1)
- Posters (114)
- precious (1)
- Premium Rush (4)
- prequel (3)
- Presidents' Day (2)
- Press Release (18)
- priest (2)
- Primary Colors (1)
- Prince of Egypt (2)
- Prince of Persia (3)
- Princess (3)
- princess and the frog (2)
- Project X (1)
- Prom (1)
- Prometheus (19)
- Promised Land (1)
- Psycho (2)
- Puncture (1)
- Punisher (1)
- Punisher: War Zone (3)
- Puss In Boots (8)
- Quantum of Solace (2)
- Quentin Tarantino (3)
- Quvenzhane Wallis (3)
- R (2)
- R-rated (2)
- R-rating (4)
- race (3)
- Rachel McAdams (4)
- Rachel Weisz (15)
- Rade Serbedzija (1)
- Radio Silence (1)
- Radius-TWC (1)
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1)
- Ralph Fiennes (7)
- Ralph Macchio (1)
- Rambo (3)
- Rango (7)
- Rapunzel (1)
- Ray Liotta (3)
- Real Steel (6)
- Real-D (1)
- Rebecca Black (1)
- Rebecca Hall (3)
- Rebel Wilson (2)
- reboots (3)
- Red (7)
- Red 2 (1)
- Red Dawn (2)
- Red Hook Summer (2)
- Red Riding Hood (6)
- Red State (3)
- Red Tails (4)
- Reese Witherspoon (2)
- Relativity (3)
- religion (1)
- remake (2)
- remakes (6)
- Renny Harlin (1)
- repeat viewing (1)
- Republican (2)
- Republicans (1)
- reshoots (1)
- Resident Evil (1)
- Resident Evil: Retribution (3)
- Resse Witherspoon (1)
- retrospective (1)
- Reviews (358)
- Revolution (1)
- Rex Reed (1)
- Rhianna (1)
- Rhys Ifans (3)
- Rian Johnson (1)
- Ric Roman Waugh (1)
- Richard Donner (1)
- Richard Harris (1)
- Richard Jenkins (4)
- Richard LaGravenese (2)
- Richard Wenk (1)
- Rick Yune (2)
- Ricky Gervais (1)
- Riddler (1)
- Ridley Scott (9)
- Rihanna (2)
- Rio (3)
- Rise of the Guardians (9)
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes (5)
- Roadside Attractions (1)
- Rob Cohen (1)
- Rob Corddry (1)
- Rob Marshall (3)
- Rob Portman (1)
- Rob Thomas (1)
- Rob Zombie (1)
- Robbie Coltrane (2)
- Robert Carlyle (1)
- Robert Davi (1)
- Robert De Niro (3)
- Robert Downey Jr (23)
- Robert Duvall (1)
- Robert Ludlam (1)
- Robert Pattinson (20)
- Robert Redford (3)
- Robert Rodriquez (1)
- Robert Zemeckis (6)
- Robin Hood (2)
- Robot and Frank (2)
- Rock of Ages (4)
- Rocky (1)
- Rod Lurie (1)
- Roger Ebert (2)
- Roger Moore (11)
- Roger Rees (1)
- Roger Spottiswoode (1)
- Roland Emmerich (1)
- Roman Polanski (1)
- Ron Perlman (2)
- Roommate (1)
- Rooney Mara (12)
- Rooting Against Action (1)
- Rosamund Pike (3)
- rosie huntington-whiteley (6)
- Rowan Atkinson (1)
- Rubber (1)
- Ruben Fleischer (3)
- Rum Diary (1)
- Rumor Commentary (8)
- Rupert Sanders (1)
- Rupert Wyatt (1)
- rush limbaugh (1)
- Russ Feingold (1)
- russell brand (1)
- Russell Crowe (9)
- rutger hauer (1)
- Ryan Gosling (14)
- Ryan Reynolds (22)
- RZA (1)
- Sacha Gervasi (1)
- Safe (4)
- Safe Haven (1)
- Safe House (5)
- Safe House 2 (1)
- Safety Not Guaranteed (1)
- Sahara (1)
- Sally Field (2)
- Salma Hayek (1)
- Salt (2)
- Sam Mendes (13)
- Sam Neil (1)
- Sam Neill (4)
- Sam Peckinpah (1)
- Sam Raimi (20)
- Sam Rockwell (1)
- sam worthington (5)
- Samantha Barks (1)
- Samuel L. Jackson (7)
- san diego (1)
- Sanctum (1)
- Sandra Bullock (3)
- sandra fluke (1)
- Santa's Slay; Christmas (1)
- Saoirse Ronan (2)
- Saorise Ronan (3)
- Sarah Jessica Parker (1)
- Sarah McLachlan (1)
- sarah palin (3)
- Sarah Shahi (1)
- Sarah Silverman (3)
- Saturday Night Live (2)
- Savages (5)
- Saw (2)
- Saw 3D (7)
- Saw VII (4)
- Scarlett Johansson (12)
- Scary Movie (1)
- Scary Movie 5 (1)
- Schindler's List (1)
- science fiction (1)
- scientology (2)
- Scott Mendelson (1)
- Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2)
- scream (3)
- Scream 2 (3)
- scream 3 (3)
- scream 4 (11)
- Screen Gems (2)
- Sean Bean (4)
- Sean Connery (12)
- Sean Connvery (1)
- Sean Penn (6)
- Seann William Scott (1)
- Season of the Witch (4)
- Second Chance Cinema; Brandon Peters (1)
- Secret Origin The Story of DC Comics (1)
- security guards (1)
- Seeking Justice (1)
- Selena Gomez (3)
- sequel (1)
- sequels (3)
- Sesame Street (1)
- Seth Macfarlane (3)
- Seth Rogen (3)
- seven pounds (1)
- Seven Psychopaths (6)
- Sex and the City (4)
- Sex and the City 2 (7)
- sexism (36)
- Shadow of the Bat (1)
- Shailene Woodley (3)
- Shame (2)
- Shane Black (7)
- Shanghai Knights (1)
- Shanghai Noon (1)
- Shark Night (1)
- Sharon Carter (1)
- She-Ra (1)
- Sherlock (2)
- Sherlock Holmes (1)
- sherlock holmes 2 (2)
- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (11)
- Shia LaBeouf (2)
- shia lebeouf (8)
- Shirley Walker (2)
- showtime (1)
- shrek (4)
- shrek 2 (5)
- Shrek 4 (2)
- Shrek Forever After (2)
- Shrek the Final Chapter (2)
- Shutter Island (2)
- Side By Side (1)
- Side Effects (1)
- Signs (1)
- Sigourney Weaver (1)
- Silence of the Lambs (2)
- Silent Hill: Revelation (3)
- Silver Linings Playbook (8)
- Simon Pegg (1)
- Simon West (3)
- Sinister (2)
- Sixth Sense (1)
- Skip Woods (1)
- Skyfall (67)
- Skyline (1)
- Slashfilm (1)
- Sleeping Beauty (1)
- slump (1)
- Smallville (3)
- Smurfs (3)
- Snape (1)
- Snitch (4)
- Snow White (5)
- Snow White and the Huntsman (8)
- Snowmen (1)
- Social Network (6)
- something borrowed (2)
- Sondra Locke (1)
- Sony (94)
- Sophia the First: Once Upon A Princess (1)
- Sophie Marceau (1)
- Sopranos (1)
- Sorcerer's Apprentice (1)
- Soul Surfer (1)
- soundtrack (1)
- Source Code (3)
- Sparkle (1)
- Spectacular Spider-Man (2)
- Speed (2)
- Spider-Man (18)
- Spider-Man 2 (4)
- Spider-Man 3 (2)
- Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (1)
- Spike Lee (2)
- Splice (1)
- spoiler (1)
- spoilers (14)
- Sports (2)
- Sports Night (1)
- Spring Breakers (4)
- Spy Game (1)
- Spy Kids 3D: Game Over; Spy Kids 4: Island of Lost Dreams (1)
- Spy Kids 4D (1)
- Stand Up Guys (1)
- Stanley Kubrick (1)
- Stanley Tucci (3)
- Star Trek (13)
- Star Trek Into Darkness (15)
- Star Wars (28)
- Star Wars Episode VII (4)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (1)
- Step Up: Revolution (1)
- Stephanie Meyer (1)
- Stephen J. Anderson (1)
- Stephen McHattie (1)
- Stephen Sommers (1)
- Stephenie Meyer (2)
- Steve Buscemi (1)
- Steve Carell (6)
- Steve Harvey (1)
- Steven Seagal (1)
- Steven Soderbergh (6)
- Steven Spielberg (30)
- Stoker (2)
- Straw Dogs (1)
- Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (1)
- Sucker Punch (14)
- Sudden Impact (2)
- summer 2009 (2)
- summer 2010 (3)
- Summer 2011 (80)
- Summer 2011 Wrap (3)
- summer 2012 (101)
- summer 2013 (47)
- summer 2014 (3)
- summer 2015 (3)
- Summer Bellessa (1)
- Summit (5)
- Summit Entertainment (27)
- Sundance (2)
- Sung Kang (2)
- Super 8 (10)
- Super Bowl (1)
- Super Bowl 2009 (1)
- Super Bowl 2011 (10)
- Super Bowl 2012 movie previews (2)
- Super Bowl 2013 movie previews (5)
- Supergirl (1)
- superheroes (2)
- Superman (18)
- Superman Returns (2)
- Superman vs. the Elite (1)
- Superman: Man of Steel (1)
- Superman/Batman Apocolypse (1)
- Superman/Shazam (1)
- Supernatural (1)
- Supreme Court (1)
- Susan Sarandon (2)
- Sylvester Stallone (17)
- Syndey Lumet (1)
- tabloids (1)
- Take Shelter (1)
- Take This Waltz (1)
- Taken (3)
- Taken 2 (7)
- tangled (10)
- Tanya Roberts (1)
- Target (1)
- Tarsem Singh (1)
- Tarsum (2)
- Tashaki Miike (1)
- Tate Donovan (1)
- Taylor Kitsch (8)
- Taylor Lautner (18)
- taylor swift (1)
- Tea Party (1)
- Team of Rivals (1)
- teasers (1)
- ted (11)
- Ted 2 (1)
- Ted Post (1)
- Ted. Moonrise Kingdom (1)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (5)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (1)
- television (10)
- Telly Savalas (1)
- Temptation (1)
- tent poles (1)
- Terence Malick (2)
- Teresa Palmer (1)
- Teri Hatcher (1)
- terminator salvation (1)
- Terrance Mallik (1)
- Terrence Howard (1)
- Terrence Malick (1)
- terrorism (1)
- Terry Crews (1)
- Texas Chainsaw 3D (3)
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (3)
- Thanksgiving (2)
- That's My Boy (1)
- The Amazing Spider-Man (2)
- The Apparation (1)
- The Apparition (1)
- the artist (4)
- The Avengers (42)
- The Batman (1)
- The Bay (2)
- The Beast (1)
- The Beaver (3)
- The Big Bang Theory (1)
- The Bourne Legacy (3)
- The Call (2)
- The Campaign (3)
- The Cold Light of Day (1)
- The Collection (1)
- The Croods (2)
- The Crow (1)
- The Dark Knight (14)
- The Dark Knight Returns (1)
- The Dark Knight Returns part 2 (1)
- The Dark Knight Rises (30)
- The Dead Pool (2)
- The Debt (2)
- The Deep Blue Sea (1)
- The Descendants (1)
- The Dictator (2)
- The Enforcer (2)
- The Expendables (1)
- The Expendables 2 (2)
- The Fighter (6)
- The Final Destination (1)
- the five-year engagement (2)
- The Flash (1)
- The Flintstones (1)
- The Gangster Squad (6)
- The Girl Who Played With Fire (1)
- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (1)
- The Great Gatsby (2)
- The Grey (1)
- The Grinch (1)
- The Hangover part III (1)
- The Haunting In Connecticut (2)
- The Help (7)
- the hobbit (4)
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (12)
- The Host (4)
- The House I Live In (2)
- the hunger games (8)
- The Hunter (1)
- The Hurt Locker (1)
- The Impossible (1)
- The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (2)
- The Incredible Hulk (1)
- The Incredibles (1)
- The Intouchables (2)
- The Island (1)
- The Last Stand (3)
- The Lion King (1)
- The Living Daylights (1)
- The Lone Gunman (1)
- The Lone Ranger (5)
- The Lorax (1)
- The Lord of the Rings (3)
- The Lovely Bones (1)
- The Lucky One (1)
- The Man With the Golden Gun (1)
- The Master (7)
- The Matrix (1)
- The Mechanic (3)
- The Moonrise Kingdom (3)
- The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2)
- The Mummy Returns (1)
- The Muppets (2)
- The Newsroom (1)
- The Odd Life of Timothy Green (1)
- The Onion (1)
- The Oogieloves (1)
- The Paperboy (3)
- The Phantom (1)
- The Possession (3)
- The Proposition (1)
- The Punisher (1)
- The Raid: Redemption (4)
- the raven (3)
- The Rite (3)
- The Road (1)
- The Road We've Traveled (1)
- The Rock (7)
- The Sessions (2)
- The Shadow (1)
- The Siege (1)
- The Silver Linings Playbook (2)
- The Simpsons (1)
- The Smurfs (1)
- The Spy Who Loved Me (1)
- The Tall Man (1)
- The Thing (2)
- The Tourist (3)
- The Town (4)
- The Transporter (2)
- The Village (1)
- The Vow (2)
- The Walking Dead (1)
- The Ward (1)
- The Warrior's Way (1)
- The Watch (1)
- The Wettest Country (1)
- The Wizard of Oz (1)
- The Wolfman (1)
- The Wolverine (3)
- the woman (1)
- The Words (3)
- The World Is Not Enough (1)
- The X-Files (4)
- theaters (1)
- theme parks (1)
- theocracy (1)
- Think Like A Man (2)
- Think Like A Man 2 (1)
- This Is Forty (1)
- This Is It (1)
- This Means War (1)
- Thomas Hardy (8)
- Thomas Mann (1)
- thor (31)
- Thor 2 (4)
- Thor: The Dark World (1)
- Thor: The Dark World; Captain America: The Winter Soldier (1)
- Three Stooges (1)
- Three Musketeers (2)
- Thunderball (1)
- Ti West (1)
- Tiana (1)
- tie-in (1)
- Tilda Swinton (2)
- Tillman (1)
- Tim Burton (22)
- Tim Metcalfe (1)
- Time Machine (1)
- time travel (1)
- Timothy Dalton (5)
- Timothy Olymphant (1)
- Timur Bekmambetov (1)
- Tina Fey (5)
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (4)
- Tintin (1)
- Titanic (10)
- Tobey Maguire (1)
- Tobin Bell (1)
- Toby Maguire (2)
- Toby Stephens (1)
- todd phillips (5)
- Tom Cruise (29)
- Tom Felton (1)
- Tom Hanks (8)
- Tom Hardy (18)
- Tom Hiddleston (4)
- Tom Holland (1)
- Tom Hooper (5)
- Tom Tykwer (2)
- Tom Wilkinson (1)
- Tomb Raider (2)
- Tommy Lee Jones (8)
- Tomorrow Never Dies (1)
- Toni Collette (3)
- Tony Gilroy (1)
- Tony Gilroy; The Bourne Legacy (1)
- Tony Kaye (1)
- Tony Kushner (1)
- Tony Scott (2)
- Tony Shalhoub (1)
- Top Gun (3)
- Torchwood (1)
- Total Recall (10)
- Tourist (1)
- tower heist (6)
- Toy Story 3 (10)
- toys (1)
- traditional animation (1)
- trailer (2)
- Trailers (453)
- transformers (16)
- Transformers 3 (1)
- Transformers Dark of the Moon (10)
- transformers dark side of the moon (5)
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon (9)
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (4)
- Tree of Life (4)
- Tri-Star (3)
- Tron Legacy (20)
- Tron: Legacy (1)
- Trouble With the Curve (4)
- True Grit (10)
- Trust (3)
- Turbo (1)
- Tuskegee (1)
- TV (20)
- TV Reviews (10)
- Twilight (18)
- Twilight Saga (25)
- Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (27)
- Twilight Saga: Eclipse (6)
- Twilight Saga: New Moon (2)
- Twilight Zone (1)
- Twister (1)
- Tyler Perry (19)
- Tyne Daly (1)
- Tyrese Gibson (1)
- U571 (1)
- Ultimate Spider-Man (2)
- Uma Thurman (3)
- Unbreakable (2)
- underrated (3)
- Underworld: Awakening (5)
- Univers (1)
- Universal (69)
- Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (1)
- Unknown (4)
- Unrated Cut (1)
- Unstoppable (7)
- Up (1)
- V/H/S (1)
- Vampires Suck (1)
- Vanellope (1)
- Vanessa Hudgens (4)
- Vera Farmiga (1)
- Veronica Mars (1)
- VHS (1)
- Victor Garber (2)
- Victoria Justice (1)
- Video (2)
- Video Games (13)
- Video on Demand (7)
- Vin Diesel (5)
- Vince Vaughn (1)
- Viola Davis (9)
- violence (1)
- Virginia Madsen (1)
- VOD (2)
- Wachowski (1)
- Wachowskis (2)
- Waking Sleeping Beauty (3)
- Wallace and Gromit (1)
- Wally West (1)
- Walter Hill (1)
- Walter Koenig (1)
- Wanderlust (1)
- War Horse (6)
- War of the Worlds (2)
- War on Drugs (3)
- Warm Bodies (2)
- Warner (1)
- Warner Bros (165)
- Warner Bros. (1)
- Warren Beatty (1)
- Warrior (4)
- warrior's way (1)
- Watchmen (2)
- Water For Elephants (1)
- Wayans Bros (1)
- WB (1)
- We Need to Talk About Kevin (1)
- We the Party (1)
- weeds (1)
- weekend box office (1)
- weekend movie preview (12)
- weekend preview (2)
- Weinstein (3)
- Weinstein Company (14)
- weinsteins (2)
- Wentworth Miller (1)
- wes craven (9)
- West Wing (2)
- western (2)
- WGA Strike (1)
- What to Expect When You're Expecting (3)
- Whip It (1)
- Whit Stilman (1)
- white chicks (1)
- White House Down (1)
- Whitney Houston (2)
- Wicca (1)
- Will Ferrell (8)
- will smith (17)
- Willem Dafoe (2)
- William B. Davis (1)
- William Fichtner (1)
- William Joyce (1)
- William Mohanan (1)
- William Sadler (1)
- William Shatner (1)
- Wilson Philips (1)
- Winnie the Pooh (2)
- Winona Ryder (1)
- Winter's Bone (2)
- Within the Woods (1)
- Wolfgang Peterson (1)
- Woman in Black (3)
- Woman In Black 2 (1)
- Women Victims of War (1)
- Won't Back Down (1)
- Wonder Woman (7)
- Woody Allen (8)
- Woody Harrelson (4)
- World War II (1)
- World War Z (1)
- Wrap (1)
- Wrath of the (1)
- Wrath of the Titans (4)
- Wreck It Ralph (6)
- Writers Guild Of America (1)
- X-Files (5)
- X-Men (8)
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine; Summer 2011 (1)
- X-Men: Days of Future Past (2)
- X-Men: First Class (10)
- X2: X-Men United (1)
- Year End - 2006 (1)
- Year End - 2008 (4)
- Year End - 2009 (4)
- Year End - 2010 (6)
- Yogi Bear (3)
- Yom Kippur (1)
- You Only Live Twice (1)
- Young Adult (7)
- Young Justice (2)
- young-adult literature (1)
- Your Highness (3)
- Yuliya Snigir (1)
- Zac Efron (1)
- Zach Braff (1)
- Zach Efron (2)
- Zach Galifianakis (7)
- Zach Snyder (7)
- Zachary Quinto (6)
- Zack Efron (2)
- Zack Hemsey (1)
- Zack Snyder (11)
- Zero Dark Thirty (14)
- Ziyi Zhang (1)
- Zoe Saldana (6)
- Zombieland (1)
- zombies (1)
- Zooey Deschanel (2)
- Zookeeper (1)
- Zorro (1)