Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From beginning to end: a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II retrospective trailer.

For what it's worth, I saw the jaw-dropping trailer for this one before the IMAX screening of Super 8 last week.  My wife had never actually seen the trailer and was quite impressed. How we both wished that we could see this in IMAX 2D.  Me?  I got the chills again... Ya know, the 'I can't wait to see this and want to see it right now!' vibe that I frankly haven't had since The Dark Knight.  Alas, this series finale to this most special of franchises may very well be the last movie on the horizon that will give me such a high.  Sure, I'm interested and intrigued by The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers but... I'm not getting anywhere near the same excitement level as I had for the second Chris Nolan Batman picture.  As far as me feeling breathless anticipation well, perhaps the tagline above is accurate.  Come what may, this better be good...

Scott Mendelson  


  1. Thanks. I retwit it on my Twiiter
    Bob Peters, CA

  2. Thanks. I retwit it on my Twiiter
    Bob Peters, CA
