Thursday, July 22, 2010

Saw VII 3D, the apparent series finale, gets a teaser, and a new release date.

Nothing too unusual about this teaser, save for the fact that Jill Scott (John Kramer's wife) is in apparent peril this time around and there appears to be a trap rigged in public. Lionsgate has officially stated that this will be the final film in the Saw series, and here's hoping it's anywhere near as good as the stunningly good sixth installment. In bigger news, Lionsgate has apparently cried 'uncle', moving the film from its October 22nd release date to October 29th. The Saw franchise has operated out of the pre-Halloween weekend date since the second film, but it was apparently scared away by Paramount's Paranormal Activity 2. Those hoping for a rematch between the two properties are in for a disappointment. We can expect Universal to quickly announce the release date change of Wes Craven's My Soul to Take, which is currently occupying the Halloween weekend spot (where, ironically, the first Saw film opened back in 2004). Otherwise, moviegoers will have to choose between witnessing the finale of the most successful horror franchise in history, or discovering firsthand why Wes Craven was so willing to get screwed over by the Weinsteins yet again with Scream 4 (I'll give you a hint - 'blind item').

Scott Mendelson

1 comment:

  1. Thank God they got the director of VI to come back. You know how I can tell this wasn't from the team that helmed 4 and 5? There is daylight in the movie and actual light in the trap scenes.
